I’m playing Cyberpunk 2077 and keep forgetting names. The database section helps but it can be tedious going back and forth when I’m reading emails and notes to see what is relevant. This isn’t just limited to Cyberpunk though. I feel like I run into this a lot with games. Any tips for getting names to stick?

  • Chris
    91 year ago

    I had this problem with Game of Thrones.

    I also have facial blindness which doesn’t help.

    Not a clue who anyone is most of the time.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      I don’t know if I have any actual facial blindness, but I have a terrible time recognizing people. In tv shows, it takes me half a series to recognize the main characters by appearance alone. I think I recognize features of someone more than the person. I have terrible name recall to the point I don’t usually ask people their names because I know I’ll forget it almost immediately. I also almost never recognize people out of context.

      • Chris
        21 year ago

        Sounds like it! I have to identify people based on their hair or clothes, where they are, or even their voice. Once I asked where somebody was, turns out I was standing near them and even after they’d been pointed out I didn’t recognise them (they’d turned up sporting a beard). It was only after they spoke that I said "oh, yeah’.