Hello, could someone recommended a keyboard for android that is a bit smart in predictive typing? I used to like swiftkeybefore it was bought by microsoft. Not that swiftkey itself was much better but I was not so privy conscious at that time.
I recall swiftkey would require access to your texts and emails to train itself to your predictions.
Is there some similar foss keyboard where all the data then remains local?
I know swiftkey has an incognito mode, but then it stops learning from your typing.
If I’m not wrong, if you don’t connect with an email you lose the personalised dictionary function, which I think (?) is what is used to the customised predictions. I might try it again, maybe they changed how they work. Probability unsubstantiated: after it was bought by microsoft, I had found the predictions much less efficient, which was another reason back then to uninstall it
If you do use it, make sure to use a different email from your normal one.
I think (but don’t know) that you still get a personalised dictionary, but it will not be transmitted to a new phone or second device.