• ᴅᴜᴋᴇᴛʜᴏʀɪᴏɴ
      8 months ago

      No, they admit that they were told, so in other words, they were told someone’s opinion. Edit: and they ignored that opinion.

    • ᴅᴜᴋᴇᴛʜᴏʀɪᴏɴ
      -107 months ago

      Back the blue isn’t about racism, no matter how much you want it to be.

      Its about the law versus criminals. Meanwhile, Philadelphia is the least safe city in the nation. Thanks, whoever.

      • @ThatWeirdGuy1001
        37 months ago

        It was created for the sole purpose of rebuking black lives matter.

        The main difference is blue lives don’t exist. You choose to put on the uniform. You don’t choose your skin color.

        • ᴅᴜᴋᴇᴛʜᴏʀɪᴏɴ
          -47 months ago

          Hey now, white guys commit crimes too.

          You should read the rest of the Wikipedia article where it clearly shows the usage going back to the 1950’s and past.

          “Blue Lives Matter” you are correct. “The Thin Blue Line” is decades old, if not over a century.

          You know who fomented the war on cops? President Obama. He pushed the “us vs them” mentality. Unprovoked ambushes on officers sitting in their cars really started during his second term. All the while, he was continuing to allow departments to request military armored vehicles and weaponry. Playing both sides of the field for what purpose?

          I know I’m potentially arguing with many who cannot or will not ever see both sides of an argument, and whoever believes different must be wrong.

          Is it strange to ANYONE that most of BLM’s heroes were in fact breaking the law, resisting lawful arrests, or putting others in danger? Probably not who I’d put on a pedestal, they weren’t martyrs.

          I’m not lumping Floyd in this argument, he was definitely unjustly killed by that cop.

          • Granbo's Holy Hotrod
            22 months ago

            Cops don’t think they are part of the community but overlords of it. They separate themselves. Obama didn’t do this.