This is one of a series of discussion posts based on questions from the AQ-10 autism test.

4. I usually concentrate more on the whole picture, rather than the small details.

  • Definitely Agree
  • Slightly Agree
  • Slightly Disagree
  • Definitely Disagree

Is this statement true for you? Can you think of any examples? Is it an easy or difficult question for you to answer?

You can take the full AQ-10 test here. Note this test is intended as a quick screener, and cannot diagnose or rule out any condition on its own.

First post in this series.
next post

  • @RedWeasel
    711 months ago

    I really don’t understand the question. Seams like it is missing something like context.

    I mean I notice all kind’s of little things that when I bring them up with NTs end of annoying them but would not have noticed otherwise. But other times I look at things from a wider view that that might look like I lack empathy.

    I feel like questions with context are easier to answer. Like what you do in situation X.