I agree. I am was just talking about a hypothetical privatized postal co. It is a service. Imagine how many people would send Christmas cards at $10 a card.
I agree. I am was just talking about a hypothetical privatized postal co. It is a service. Imagine how many people would send Christmas cards at $10 a card.
If I was put in charge of a privatized Post Office I 'd start by stopping regular mail service and focus on packages. Just not profitable enough.
The path is through AoC and Bernie. While I appreciate Pritzker’s seemingly well-intentioned efforts he’s part of the elites and can get fucked.
He may be one of the elites, but he has been doing much more to fight for working class workers than many/most politicians even in the Democratic party right now. I agree AOC and Bernie are great, but that doesn’t mean they can do it themselves alone.
Yeah, poor health like not getting vaccinated, correct?
Recession speed run.
It is not a culture war. It is culture terrorism.
I can understand that. If we had values up to 7 or 8 identified exactly it may be possible to develop an equation for beyond, though. The smaller units are just too little for that though.
It says in the article that i can’t be done on a computer. Probably more likely that no one has gone to the trouble of implementing said function. The hard part is how do you verify it if no one has done n=6 or 7 to compare against. The min for n=5 was 152 and max is 154 with it being 153. Not really large enough to verify against.
The media needs to start calling them what they are, import taxes. The term “tariffs” obscures they meaning for some people.
Simplest way would be to open a term windows and type ‘ps aux | grep Xorg’ minus the quotes and hit enter. Ignore the output that has grep on it. Examine the output. If only one line, then you are most likely on wayland. There are other ways, but we would need to know more about your system.
What cards and wayland compositors/xorg are you using? I have a 4080 and am on plasma 6.3 and don’t have any graphical glitches with steam.
I agree. There are times when I speak to someone that has an unfamiliar accent that my brain has trouble processing. They can be speaking fluent English , but I still struggle.
To realistic
Wouldn’t it better to just stop acknowledging Tesla and stop pretending that it is a premium brand?
I don’t think it should have a significant effect on performance. On the other hand gamescope is broken on my system right now. There are probably plus and minuses of both.
Great. now how long till we can game without nesting the game inside gamescope?
If they can get $100 Billion, they sure as hell need to fulfill the fiduciary duty and accept.
*“We are going to voluntarily move you and you are going to like it” *
They want to privatize schools too. They are morons whom probably drank to much lead as kids.