(shamelessly stolen from an imgur dump)

    • @[email protected]
      511 months ago

      Pre teleport hand position is A.

      Post teleport foot position is B.

      The distance between A and B is 7 inches.

      “You” teleport 7 inches, but if “you” is a relative concept thats so far undefined (are your clothes “you”? The contents of your stomach? The air in your lungs? What chemicals dissolved in your blood count as “you”?), and A and B are both “you,” technically youve teleported 7 inches while sort of fudging the actual distance.

      As with all magic, the interpretation of the rules is more important than the rules themselves.

      • swab148
        411 months ago

        I think we’d have to figure out at what part of the brain consciousness originates before we could implement teleportation, because you’d (almost) always want to travel exactly 7" from your point of view.