Cooked it with the meter on the Rib-Eye setting and it was perfect!

  • @KetchupOP
    21 year ago

    Oh haha! Downvotes made me wonder if posts that might recommend brands were gauche in the fediverse, or I upset my non-animal eating friends, or it just doesn’t look good enough to be good porn lol

    Anyhow, Mine says it’s Part # MT-PR00

    I’ll include a photo with other info, but I don’t think I could ask for more for the types of cooks I use it for? I hope that helps.

    here I will include a shot of the inside

    • @soupspoon
      21 year ago

      Oh sorry! Definitely qualifies as food porn imo. You know, I’ve been noticing a lot of upvote and downvote counts that don’t make sense or fluctuate wildly, I wonder if it’s a bug or something? Or bots that get removed?