• @Alborlin
    711 months ago

    Serious question , my laptop is getting old. 7-8, years now I don’t want to put money in tech for w new one. I want to use it with Linux , as I just use for very Norma stuff and Zero gaming. My use cases will be use of office, use if browsers, simple image editors, pdf reader and manipulation, copying images from to and from HDD , copying media to HDD etc. Connecting iPhone, android for file uploading download etc.

    I don’t want hassle of

    1. Find a reaposiroty, install an extra ackages except for softwares
    2. Give any command viq terminal. 3.find any dependency for ANYTHING
    3. Use it as regular person

    What Linux will just work? I mean simple install and start using.

    • 🧟‍♂️ Cadaver
      711 months ago

      Pop!_OS or Zorin features all of those criteria. Mint, a little less. I’d go with Zorin. Everything works out of the box.

    • @[email protected]
      11 months ago

      In my newbie experience, the answer is: No.

      There are still random snags and blocks to things you will probably expect or want to be able to do.

      That being said, it’s sooooo much better than is was. If those snags are minor and not irritating for you, you’ll be able to work around them, I think.

      And the wider community can be friendly and helpful, though not always empathetic / fully understanding of the lack of Linux knowledge you might be starting from, (again) in my experience.

      Haven’t tried to print anything yet either…printers always seem to Bork on nearly every OS…

      Edit: first installed Linux mint this week on a dell XPS laptop.

      • @Alborlin
        110 months ago

        how about using winword ? and excel. I know there exists alterntives on linux, but I have seen that open office wrekcs havoc on document formatting. is there a if not as good as , but next to good word editor for linux and is it out of box ?

        • @[email protected]
          110 months ago

          Sorry, not actually used any Linux office packages yet. Briefly used office365 online, which was, as you’d expect, more or less the same experience as windows / Mac.

          Have had a look around and there are, apparently, as many opinions about which Linux office suit is best as there are possible usage situations or different office suits… 🥲

    • @[email protected]
      311 months ago

      None of the usual big distros is gonna force to do any of that. Try Mint or Ubuntu, you’re gonna be absolutely fine

    • @ichbinjasokreativ
      211 months ago

      I’d recommend you just try one of the mainstream distros with gnome or KDE. Something like Ubuntu, mint, fedora etc and see if you like it. There’s going to be a short period where you’ll need to adapt to the new environment, but you’ll be fine afterwards.

    • @[email protected]
      211 months ago

      iTunes will probably be the toughest. I lean on iTunes for syncing files, media, local backups and if I had to ditch Windows tomorrow and decided Linux, I would set up iTunes in a Windows VM since I don’t think there’s any other workaround currently.

    • @warmaster
      211 months ago

      Get a Thumbdrive and flash it with Ventoy, load it up with every ISOs you want to try and vive each one a go, the one that works nest for you, is the one you keep.