The Biden campaign went after former U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley on Friday, calling her “no moderate” over her stance on abortion rights.
“Nikki Haley is no moderate — she’s an anti-abortion MAGA extremist who wants to rip away women’s freedoms just like she did when she was South Carolina governor,” the campaign said in a statement.
“Now Haley is promising to bring that same fear, anxiety, and dread she forced on South Carolina women to every woman in the country,” they added.
Abortion has been a focus of the 2024 campaign among Democrats and Republicans. GOP candidates have clashed over whether to back a national abortion ban, which Haley has refused to do.
The Biden campaign cited a Daily Signal interview with the former South Carolina governor, where she said she would sign a 6-week national abortion ban if it was passed.
No leaked photos of he doing a nazi salute makes her a “moderate”
I’m mad that you’re right.
Turn that anger into political action
I worked for the Obama administration on government transparency and data initiatives. A principle engineer for the “we the people” api. I’m currently working on a platform to provide analytics and insight to grassroots campaigns. Software I have worked on has been used in hundreds of political campaigns. You’ve seen my work.
Am I doing enough yet?
Well I drew up the blueprints for the DNC building, since we are making claims that can’t be proven in an attempt to “gotcha” random strangers online.
It’s not a contest.
Pick a lane.
Do you do what you do to better the country or so you can brag about it and start arguments online? I know which lane I’m in.
Self-righteousness isn’t the flex you think it is. Grow up.
So you think I do all of this for… internet cred? It’s sure not for the money. You’re gonna be this reductive and ridiculous, but I’m self righteous and need to grow up? Starting arguments? You came to me, man.
You’re upset because why? Because I responded to your Internet armchair activism slogan with a real response? Isn’t that what you wanted? You told me to do something about it. I’m doing something about it. I really don’t know what you’re bent about.
You’re not only not in a lane, I’m not sure you know where the road is at this point. Get it together, man.
After a tantrum like that, I’m not the one who needs to get it together.
Best of luck to you.