I picked up “Mafia: Definitive Edition” cheap the other day (I’ve linked it on Steam as it’s still on sale for the next few days).

I was a fan of Mafia (the original from 2002) and felt it was cheap enough to give it a shot and I’m glad I did: besides the infamous/arduous racing level I found it to be very enjoyable overall.

I was sad to see that there wasn’t any “Freeride Extreme” in the latest version (this was bonus, fun, ludicrous content, available after completing the game) as it would have been a nice addition, the “Freeride” mode is likewise a little lackluster but the actual campaign is great.

What was the last game you finished? Was it any good?

  • Odo
    1 year ago

    Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew. From the little-known “stealth tactics” micro-genre. It really felt like the culmination of what the studio learned from their previous few games. It took some familiar abilities from all the way back to the original Desperados 20 years ago, then added several brand new ones that almost feel OP and make each character unique. Plus if you have a checklist-oriented brain, there are so many optional objectives encouraging you to replay missions in different ways.

    I understand some fans weren’t huge on the reuse of levels, but the missions either use different parts of them or have you approach familiar guard setups from completely different directions, keeping them feeling fresh (at least to me).

    It’s a real shame developer Mimimi is closing down, though I’m glad they get to wind down gradually and on their own terms. I’m so used to companies trying a new project, running out of money, and closing suddenly.

    • cucumber_sandwich
      1 year ago

      Lol, Micro-Genre… I remember commandos and desperados being absolutely huge.

      • Odo
        1 year ago

        I more meant the narrow intersection of 2 larger genres that rarely cross over, particularly these days.

        Though having said that, I do feel like the only person still talking about them anymore. It’s so rare to see them brought up in casual conversations outside their dedicated Steam forums.