• @Thteven
      7 months ago

      Not if the DNC had anything to do about it, and they did.

        • @Thteven
          7 months ago

          Wrong, what they did with the superdelegates and how they reported the numbers made a lot of people vote Hillary or not at all because the graphs said she was ahead right out of the gate when all they had counted was those superdelegates. Bernie would have beat Trump in the general, there’s no doubt in my mind, but a lot of democrats just couldn’t hold their nose hard enough to vote for Hillary. “Her turn” my ass.

          • @[email protected]
            127 months ago

            Plus her whole campaign really just showed how out of touch she is with the average citizen. After the DNC debacle she really just shot herself in the foot, repeatedly.

          • @[email protected]
            17 months ago

            Bernie also ran in 2020. If he would have won South Carolina in the 2020 primary, he could be President now as that was the state that caused Joe Biden to rise to the favorite. Not acknowledging his electoral weakness doesn’t help in getting another progressive to win in the future. The DNC and corporate media are going to try and surpress progressive candidates whether with superdelegate reporting or something else, but Bernie’s strategy didn’t move the needle to be winning in the south.

    • Flying Squid
      417 months ago

      I voted for him, but I have a feeling his agenda would have gone nowhere thanks to the corporate ass-kissers in both parties in congress and the judiciary. Maybe we don’t deserve social democracy.

      • @TropicalDingdong
        227 months ago

        I voted for him, but I have a feeling his agenda would have gone nowhere thanks to the corporate ass-kissers in both parties in congress and the judiciary. Maybe we don’t deserve social democracy.

        Not with that attitude we don’t.

      • @4lan
        126 months ago

        that kind of defeatism guarantees that we will never have a morally upstanding president.

        You are a part of a self-fulfilling prophecy. Sanders would not get everything he wants done in a term, but any progress is better than our current puppet presidents

    • @cabron_offsets
      207 months ago

      Nah, tho. Young people didn’t vote in high enough numbers. Depressing. I voted Bernie.

      • @Viking_Hippie
        7 months ago

        Several million young prospective voters were prevented from voting by going to college in states that don’t allow out of state resident voting and not being able to vote in their home states on a Tuesday.

        Add the fact that colleges are typically critically underserved when it comes to voting infrastructure, leading to a requirement to stand in line for the equivalent of a full-time job working day and it’s clear that it’s not young people being too apathetic.

        It’s politicians ratfucking them almost as much as they ratfuck people of color and people of color have much better get out the vote infrastructure to counteract it than colleges do.

          • @Viking_Hippie
            -17 months ago

            First of all, that’s a gross oversimplification. Second, even if it wasn’t, you’re basically saying that college aged people who live in those states either don’t matter or there’s not enough of them to possibly effect election results.

            Either way, it’s an ignorant and callous argument. Especially when you consider that college is the first chance for most people who hate living in deep red states to gtfo of there

              • @Viking_Hippie
                -17 months ago

                You JUST pointed out yourself that they wouldn’t have been able to GET an absentee ballot in and/or from certain states. Your reality-ignoring victim blaming is getting stale.

                  • @Viking_Hippie
                    07 months ago

                    I didn’t say that this specific thing is (necessarily) on the DNC. That doesn’t make your “young people just didn’t care enough” stereotype any less misguided, though.

                    When you restrict access to voting, less voting will happen and college students are one of the most vote-restricted groups in the entire country.

    • @SCB
      -56 months ago

      He was nowhere close to even contesting the primary. He got blown out by 3 million votes.

      • @[email protected]
        26 months ago

        I didn’t say he was close. My comment is basically a wish, kind of a “what could have been” situation.

        • @SCB
          -16 months ago

          Ah ok. Thought it was another “Bernie got robbed” thing.

      • @PopcornTin
        06 months ago

        That’s the thing. He wasn’t going to beat Hillary in 2016. Yet, the Party took it in their hands to hurt him, give Hilary questions to debates, etc. It has always been that way. If you aren’t with the Party, you won’t get on their ballot.

    • @[email protected]
      -317 months ago

      Highly unlikely.

      Sanders was literally the meme about nobody caring about cspan and has a long history of refusing to condemn the particularly brutal communist regimes. And he would have been up against a notorious name caller

      • @dangblingus
        66 months ago

        Who are the current brutal communist regimes that Sanders was supposed to condemn that he didn’t condemn?