I have come across a lot’s of people like these. like 99% of them. Sometimes it makes me think twice if what i am saying is wrong? What’s wrong with them. Is it so hard to swallow your pride and acknowledge that the other person is speaking facts? When they come to know they are wrong they proceed to insult/make fun of others to save their ass. Just why?

  • tygerprints
    511 months ago

    I encounter that all the time especially on public forums like this. This is a quote from an article I found about it online: According to psychologist, speaker and author Guy Winch, most people who consistently refuse to admit they’re wrong do so because they have incredibly fragile egos. They clam up and insist they’re right, demonstrating what experts term “psychological rigidity”, as a defense mechanism.

    Also I think that telling someone they are wrong comes across as a criticism about their intellect and they respond defensively by instinct. And, another reason is because people don’t want to believe anything that contradicts their preferred view of the world. So if you “correct” someone they tend to act like you’re attacking them or as too stupid to know what “truth” is.

    It’s really a telling distinction because today, most people behave in this defensive way. You don’t see many people willing to concede or say, “wow that’s a different point of view than I have considered, maybe it requires me to spend some thought on why I feel the way I do.” Which is the real value of differing opinions; they help us re-assess and redefine the reasons why we feel the way we do.

    • @Delphia
      111 months ago

      It cant help that especially online it seems incredibly rare for someone to point out that you are wrong politely, gently and informatively. Who wants to admit they are wrong to someone who informs you via “OMG you dumb fuck…”

      • tygerprints
        011 months ago

        That’s also true. How can you not be defensive when someone’s reply starts with, “listen here you stupid dumbfuck…” Of course that kind of name calling is going to result in a verbal fight. I don’t know why we can’t just say, “OK I disagree but here’s why, and I hope you’ll appreciate my feedback.” Do we have to resort to calling each other juvenile names? A person isn’t stupid just because they have a controversial point of view.