How a former Republican from Virginia became New Jersey’s Democratic frontrunner for U.S. Senate

  • HobbitFoot
    26 months ago

    The big question is going to be whether machine politics or progressive get out the vote drives are going to win. I doubt any other decent candidate is going to run now.

    • @SalamendaciousOP
      16 months ago

      Maybe if we’re lucky menendez will stay in the race and split the establishment vote. Politics is dirty though and just like how Republicans have donated to green party candidates to split the liberal \ progressive vote maybe the Murphys will gin up support for Medina or Hamm to split Kim’s vote. I think this’ll be a real slugfest.

      • HobbitFoot
        06 months ago

        My guess is that Tammy running is pretty much going to be the end of party machine support for Menendez, especially if this is being done with the understanding that Tammy quits after one term and Steve Fulop can run for that after being governor for a term.

        • @SalamendaciousOP
          06 months ago

          Menendez will have built up his own machine by now. Donors, connections, relationships, etc. it remains to be seen if they’ll stick or jump ship. I really think you’re probably right though. No one wants to back a losing horse. As for her only running one term. I’m not well versed in New Jersey politics but once someone has power it’s hard to give it up.

          • HobbitFoot
            16 months ago

            Menendez is deep in the Hudson County political machine, which is why I bring up Steve Fulop, mayor of Jersey City which is the largest city in Hudson County. Control of the Hudson County political machine may be up in air, but it is probable that Fulop has enough control over it to cut out Menendez and deliver votes to Tammy.

            And machine politics are still a thing in New Jersey. I have a friend trying to find a home for a turkey that the mayor gave him. Where else in the USA would it be expected that the mayor of your town would buy you a turkey to help convince you to vote?