• @orrk
    57 months ago

    considering that the IDF guards even the strip connecting Gaza to Egypt, yes Israel is basically land locking Gaza

      • @orrk
        37 months ago

        IDF ships shoot anything that strays too far from the coast, and the guards don’t have to be in the cells to have people imprisoned

          • @orrk
            17 months ago

            laws? it’s internationally illegal, but that doesn’t matter, hence all the UN resolutions that Israel ignores.

            incidents? sure, here’s an article from a few years ago of an incident that got somewhat prominent outside the region, it’s just that no one cares if the IDF blows a few brown fishermen out of the water (hell outside the English publication of a few prominent Hebrew papers people wouldn’t even know that Netanyahu was aiding Hamas to stay in power)

              • @orrk
                17 months ago

                dude, the import restrictions are ad hawk, nonsense and seemingly change every week, this isn’t about weapons it’s about trying to starve them out

                  • @orrk
                    17 months ago

                    it really isn’t, the only thing keeping them from going full on holocaust on the Palestinians is international pressure, because Israel exists at “the pleasure of the west” in general.

                    Ironically, the only reason Gaza doesn’t have their own Power and Water production is because Israel bombed it a long time ago and refuses to let it be fixed, because the bibi government uses it as a tool to influence Gaza, hilariously to support Hamas.