Starting June 2024, adblockers such as uBlock Origin and many other extensions on Chrome will no longer work as intended. Google Chrome will begin disabling extensions based on an older extension platform, called Manifest V2, as it moves to the more limited V3 version.

  • @Spotlight7573
    21 year ago

    An extension having access to everything on every page you visit is a potential security issue.

    Whether that’s an acceptable risk for you in order to have an extension that blocks ads is another question.

    • @[email protected]
      141 year ago

      Extensions by definition are a security issue. For that matter, so is being connected to the Internet in the case of a browser.

    • @Evilcoleslaw
      61 year ago

      As far as I know, the plan for Manifest V3 only included removing blocking from the WebRequest API and extensions using WebRequest could still see whatever activity they are given permission to view.

      • @AProfessional
        71 year ago

        Correct, and the reasoning for removing blocking was performance.

        • @TheDarkKnight
          11 year ago

          Wouldn’t loading the ads impact performance moreso than loading them? Not really a browser nerd so no idea it just seems like blocking a piece of content from loading outright would be less demanding than loading it.

          • @AProfessional
            1 year ago

            How the WebRequest API works is:

            1. Network request is made
            2. Sent to the WebExtension
            3. Extension runs arbitrary JavaScript (Slow to very slow)
            4. Repeat for every extension handling requests
            5. Results eventually make it to the WebProcess where it belongs.

            This is slow and will always be. Their change to remove blocking makes steps 2-4 a copy of the data instead of a synchronous call.

            Now an ad can be slower, just by more data or bad JS. But that isn’t Googles concern because they sell those ads.