• @Serinus
    176 months ago

    I’ll likely vote someone else in the primaries though.

    • @SCB
      166 months ago

      There will not be a primary

    • @[email protected]
      56 months ago

      This is the problem, DNC is refusing to hold a primary and is hell bent on forcing one of the only dem candidates who can lose to Trump upon us.

      This is mostly about Biden’s ego - he thinks his legacy requires 2 terms. But what of his legacy if he loses the election, and democracy, all at the same time?! It’s madness.

      Call your reps. Call the whitehouse. Demand a primary be held so this Titanic can avoid that MASSIVE orange iceberg, because it’s dead ahead right now and we’re barreling towards it.

      • @JustZ
        26 months ago

        This is the modern tradition. He’s the incumbent. We need to support him. He’s already proven he can beat Trump by a wide margin.

        • @[email protected]
          26 months ago

          Not sure if sarcasm or?…

          Biden barely beat Trump in 2020. It was by 40k votes in 5 swing states, and the latest polling shows Biden down badly in those same states this time around.

          Snap out of your delusion

          • Ænima
            36 months ago

            Polls don’t mean dick. Please don’t repeat 2016.

            • @[email protected]
              06 months ago

              People’s opinions when voting matter, and just cause you don’t want to think about 2016 and think this tiny bubble of influence is enough doesn’t mean it cant happen again. You need to have a plan and embrace reality. Biden is, in fact, in trouble of losing.

          • @JustZ
            06 months ago

            He won by 4.5%, seven million votes, and 70 delegates.

            And Trump’s base is dying off.

              • @[email protected]
                16 months ago

                Trumps base is NOT dying off

                Wonder what the effects of corona will show in this next election. And of course there are new GOP kids, but not nearly to the same extent as the other way around.

            • @[email protected]
              56 months ago

              7 million?! This is a tragic misconception. Do you understand how the electoral college works? Trump LOST the popular vote to Hillary, and still won in 2016.

              Biden won by a slim margin of 40k votes across 5 key swing states in 2020, all of which polling shows he is now losing to Trump. Polls also show he is down by over 10% nationally, which means he has no chance. He’s an incumbent who has dropped below 40% approval rating nationally…this means he has 0% chance of winning.

              Open your eyes. Facts matter.