Just sayin’

  • @[email protected]
    88 months ago

    I’m kind of the same way, though I’ve found most of the communities I’m looking for.

    My main complaint is just how many leftists there are here, which wouldn’t be an issue if the selection of communities was a bit better. I have no issue with leftists in general, I just get a little tired of low effort posts like “because capitalism” or “unions ftw” on any post where it’s remotely relevant. I get it, unions can be cool, and capitalism has its warts, but those comments aren’t constructive. Fortunately, this is mostly on the more popular news communities, so I just don’t sub and it doesn’t bother me.

    I’d love a handful of well moderated communities similar to the following:

    • /r/neutralnews - strict limits on acceptable sources, and all comments must include sources for factual claims
    • /r/neutralpolitics - similar to neutral news, but specific to political discussion

    Reddit also has a huge leftist slant, but it at least has moderation tools to help make certain types of community moderation feasible.

    I just want to point out that I’m far from a conservative and I don’t want to go the opposite direction and have mostly conservative viewpoints (that would probably be worse), I just like seeing multiple opinions for a topic, and that seems to happen less here because moderation tools kinda suck, which means poor quality sources that agree with the predominant opinion tend to get more attention than more reputable sources that have a more mixed view of things.

    Regardless, I’m not going back, but that doesn’t mean lemmy has better content, it just means I refuse to support Reddit anymore.

    • @skeezix
      -178 months ago

      I’m sure there must be a Trump ass-kissing community here, or a “climate hoax”, or a Jan-6-was-antifa-FBI, or some such communities you could enjoy.

      • smoothbrain coldtakes
        128 months ago

        Just because people are tired of a leftist slant doesn’t make them automatically right leaning. Right wingers who are right wing because they’re annoyed by leftists are weak. Leftists get annoyed by leftists every day, and that’s the essence of Lemmy.

      • @[email protected]
        58 months ago

        I explicitly said I didn’t want that, I want communities where facts matter far more than whatever the dominant political opinion is.

        For the record, I cannot stand Trump or his ilk. I also cannot stand dogmatic leftists. I want fact based discussions, not left v right BS.