Edit: Enough money as in buying a PC supporting windows 11

  • @oldbaldgrumpy
    17 months ago

    I switched to Linux over a decade ago, love it. I’m currently running MXLinux. I may eventually try something that isn’t Debian based.

    • Neon 🇺🇦🇪🇺🇹🇼🇮🇱
      17 months ago

      Obligatory Nixos Comment

      But only if you’re willing to invest Time and Effort into learning it.

      But if you do, you’ll absolutely love it.

      • @[email protected]
        17 months ago

        I liked it at first, but then I ran into some really weird shit. Re-installing didn’t erase the previous install, programs I installed disappeared after reboot, etc. This might be caused by the jankiness of UEFI, I don’t know. I’m never buying another HP laptop after they pulled this shit with UEFI. It’s given me so many headaches.