It’s known that sneezing is a reflex to prevent dust or nose hairs or whatever from getting down into the lungs, but why do people and animals sometimes get hiccups? What function does that serve, and what causes them?

Also, bonus points for any random useful tips on how to make hiccups go away…

  • @over_cloxOP
    510 months ago


    If I may ask, how far along is she?

      • @over_cloxOP
        310 months ago

        LOL, it’s not important either way, was just curious like around what point of development can a fetus start having the hiccup reflex…

    • @ChexMax
      210 months ago

      My baby’s hiccups were visable from the outside at week 32 and before that you could feel them from the outside for a week or two. Very neat! (Not as neat while I’m trying to sleep lol)