• osarusan
    307 months ago

    Go back to your troll cave with this “both sides are the same” bullshit.

      • osarusan
        157 months ago

        Trump and Democrats have done the same thing???

        Get the fuck right out of here.

        There is no room for this kind of false equivocation in any honest conversation. You’re parroting sheer --and dangerous– propaganda. Take that back to Russia or wherever pays you 10 cents to post it.

        • @thisisawayoflife
          97 months ago

          I think the root of this was the SCOTUS stepping into the 00 election to stop the Florida recounting. I definitely heard a lot of stolen election rhetoric from liberals and leftists during shrubs first term - and there’s some gravity to the claim given the events. It’s not the same in Trump’s case though, but the details aren’t what matters in a game with lowest common denominator voters - only rhetoric matters. Rhetoric is what got 1/6 to happen, and it’s what’s where the average Republican to support Trump no matter what.

          • osarusan
            77 months ago

            If we’re talking about 2000, when Supreme Court justices appointed by Bush’s father stepped in and prevented recounts from taking place (which later showed that Bush would have lost) and handed the presidency to Bush; and comparing that to 2021, when the president launched a mob of armed traitors and attacked the capitol, while GOP lawmakers aided them; and saying there’s something similar between them, then all hope for meaningful truth is lost.

            “Both sides have accused the other of stealing the election!” is only true insofar as one side has actually stolen an election, after which that fact was grumbled about but then accepted peacefully, and then that same side 20 years later launched a failed coup d’état and whined afterwards about the election being stolen. So it’s a fact, but presenting it as some sort of equivalence is the peak of dishonesty.

            (I know that’s not what you’re doing, you’re just explaining the conversation. But that is what the grandparent post was doing, thus my complaint.)

          • osarusan
            7 months ago

            That’s not what a “primary source” is. Links to websites are not primary sources. This is pretty basic stuff.

            No, my abundant use of question marks and italics was to emphasize just how stupid and dishonest what you wrote was. You’re a dishonest propagandist and you are making the world a worse place. Be better than that.

              • osarusan
                17 months ago

                Okay “sweetie.” I’ll take your sincerely regurgitated propaganda to heart, dearie. You have a good night, lovey.

                You can definitely be better than this, sweetcheeks.

                  • osarusan
                    17 months ago

                    That’s a good policy to have, sugarbuns. Bolster that with a side of honesty and respect and you’d actually be a decent person to talk to, instead of a propaganda spewing clown. Petunia.

      • @[email protected]
        87 months ago

        Those video clips are talking about how the electoral college had fucked over the majority of voters 2 out of the last 3 times that Republicans have won the presidency.

        And when the voter fraud teams weren’t looking for fraud, they almost exclusively found Republicans who were cheating because they were convinced everyone else was too.

        That’s why all the assholes who were running those commissions quietly ended then so fast in 2020.

      • @[email protected]
        67 months ago

        Except Horseshoe Theory is hot garbage. “Both Sides” is what lazy people come up with. That’s like saying hot and cold are practically the same, because they are both temperatures.



        Fuck off with your victimization complex, and go educate yourself.

          • @[email protected]
            17 months ago

            And remember when they kept claiming election fraud long after they lost, and brought 60+ lawsuits, and called Secretaries of State to “find me X votes,”, and tried to get the vice president to decertify peoples votes, and tried to send fake Electors to vote for them, and planned to use the Insurrection Act to stay in power?

            But please, go off about how they’re fundamentally the same.

              • @[email protected]
                17 months ago

                when they kept claiming election fraud long after they lost

                Which is also in the video I provided.

                And wouldn’t you know it? They stopped. Meanwhile Trump is still beating that drum.

                brought 60+ lawsuits

                The Democratic Party itself sued Trump claiming his election was illegitimate.

                Last I checked, 60 > 1. Also, they had real evidence. Trump had The Kraken.

                called Secretaries of State to “find me X votes,”

                So a recount, lol.

                Yeah, such a “perfect call,” it landed him RICO charges in GA and two other upcoming similar cases in NV and LA. But yeah, jUsT a ReCoUnT.

                tried to send fake Electors to vote for them.

                Democrats tried to get republican electors to reject their oath and vote against the actual election results — very democratic, right?

                No. And I’ll be the first to say they made some idiotic moves. But that’s not the same as trying to send fake certificates and a fake slate of Electors, which has landed some of those electors in legal jeopardy. Both bad, magnitude very different.

                planned to use the Insurrection Act to stay in power

                Which they didn’t, lmfao.

                Oh, soooo much better. It’s a good thing Project 2025 doesn’t exist… Also, name me a Democrat that ever even floated such an idea.

                So yeah, fundamentally the same. No differences at all. Practically the same party. /S

      • @Eldritch
        27 months ago

        It’s funny to watch you play the victim.