• @[email protected]
    3710 months ago

    American capitalism no longer innovates. It now only stifles competition through patent abuse, regulations that make market entry difficult to impossible and domination of market resources. If all of that fails then they buy the competition and increase prices before repeating the whole cycle all over again.

    • @[email protected]
      10 months ago

      This is why my digital art pipeline is FOSS at every turn. I dropped like $300 for Substance Designer / Painter’s indie license. I was so excited to learn it.

      …and then it got “rolled into the AdObE FaMiLy” and is subscription-only (right after they promised angry users they would do no such thing and we didn’t believe it for a second) and now it’s mega bloated “iNdUsTrY StAnDaRd” lock-in-ware like the rest.

      So I basically just learned my lesson about commercial software rug-pulls.

    • @5BC2E7
      -510 months ago

      As a counter example there are fields like machine learning where there is a lot of “capitalist” innovation

      • tb_
        1110 months ago

        How is that a counter example? The same 3 - 5 corporations are still in control.

        • @5BC2E7
          110 months ago

          They can and they do innovate regardless of how much you might dislike them.

          • @[email protected]
            110 months ago

            A barely useful autocomplete bot that runs on crowd sourced data that doesnt learn but gets filtered to be slightly more useful ks such a lame idea of innovation. It might be slightly useful over time but its definitely being overblown to separate morons from their hoarded wealth

            • @5BC2E7
              -110 months ago

              if it’s so useless why have you not created a similar sham to get billions in funding? is word2vec and similar breakthroughs also non-innovative or shams in your views?

              • @[email protected]
                010 months ago

                Cause even if i came up with the scam i dont have the people to invest in it to make it worth billions? You need the gamblers with money already to be willing to hand it over.

                Scientology didnt come out of nowhere. The creator was already a best selling author. You need the rubes before you can have the successful scam. Also because i dont have the drive and just want to live my life not dealing with that many people and wearing a mask forever.

                And wait is word2vec just basically doing basic word association inside of thw already hugely associated word base to find common replacements inside word context? Dude… You could just have a lookup table of synonyms. Its just extra processing power for the sake of extra processing power. Its like people forgot to do things smartly and just show off how they can brute force laziness

                • @5BC2E7
                  10 months ago

                  ok, I don’t see why you could not create something “useless” if that’s all you need to get funding… openAI didn’t have microsoft. startups that have “useless” ideas don’t “have people” either. they have innnovations (or useless ideas according to you) . Most people with an opinion on the topic should be able to understand the value of word2vec and form an opinion on the vailidty of your perspective.

                  • @[email protected]
                    10 months ago

                    Sam Altman was a college dropout who got $30 million in startup funds for his first app that failed and only went on to sell it for more than he raised for it. OpenAI wasnt founded in a vacuum he was already a former ceo 3 times over by the time he was handed the position for working at the investment group that had the money funding OpenAI. Of course they want it to sound revolutionary because they want to make their money back on the investment.

                    You are ignoring the whole, Rich people with networked contacts, part of the argument that i literally said last comment. Start-ups absolutely have people. That’s how they succeed is people with networking.

                    And then you conclude without stating your own opinion but that of the conglomerate of indoctrination. You are sold on the church of AI. And the idea is oversold.

          • tb_
            010 months ago

            I mean, yeah. A broken clock is right twice a day.

            Which I know doesn’t exactly equate to the current situation, but do remember that the point of capitalism isn’t innovation: it’s earning the most amount of money.

            Innovation is just a happy little coincidence thanks to competition in a fair market.
            When AMD was down in the gutter, Intel was just fine making token “innovation” in the CPU market while mostly taking it easy on the RnD while raking it in. Something they, eventually, got gotten for by AMD and more recently Apple silicon. But now, let’s say, Intel was allowed to buy AMD… Maybe Apple still would’ve switched to their own designs eventually, but PC’s undoubtedly would still be stuck on 4, maybe 6 cores.

            Monopolies are the anthesis of innovation, and monopolies are what corporations will move towards without adequate regulation.

            • @5BC2E7
              010 months ago

              I was responding to the claim that “capitalism cannot innovate “ i am aware that innovation generally is not the goal but that is not the point i am contesting.

        • @5BC2E7
          10 months ago

          the claim is that American capitalism no longer innovates

          innovation is not going bankrupt and clearing the way for another company. control and innovation are not even remotely close.

      • @eskimofry
        110 months ago

        Lol that lasted long…

        • @5BC2E7
          10 months ago

          Did someone manage to uninvent LLMs and the innovations that came shortly before like transformers? EDIT: ah i see that people are gatekeeping the innovations. so are attention networks also “barely useful”? if so why aren’t you guys improving upon it or creating another sham if it’s so meaningless and just smoke you should be able to get a billion in investments.