• Flying Squid
    11 months ago

    I live in Terre Haute. Sakbun is part of the corruption machine and the primary was rigged against Goodwin, who actually wants to change this city for the better. I’m glad Sakbun ousted Duke Bennett, the Republican mayor of Terre Haute that had been there for over a decade, but that’s about it. I do not have high hopes for his time as mayor. He’s basically run it on “I’m young and I have big ideas” but he really doesn’t have any plans on how to achieve them. He’s just another bullshit populist.

    Also, the cops lined up behind him. What does that tell you?

    Edited to add this comment from someone on the Terre Haute Reddit page:

    Lots of Republicans voted for Sakbun since there were no races contested. The local Dem establishment led by one of the Ellis lawyers downtown really hammered Pat. They jumped on a post from a supporter of his and framed it like Pat was shitting on cops. This prompted the official THPD to post a message from the city police chief where he defamed two private citizens and interefered in a local election using his official post. If I though the Attorney General would do something about this I would’ve tried to report it because it’s illegal as fuck.

    They had a guy that used to live in town put out a fucked up mailer defaming Pat. It’s no fun working against these folks and they all have a lot of power and prestige and they will use all of it against the rest of this city to keep themselves propped up.