• @gedaliyahM
    -10110 months ago

    Just now hearing about this.

    So she basically said antisemitism is okay because Islamophobia exists. Like, “well, if we can’t stop racism, let’s at least be racist against everyone.” Maybe the worst take in the past 2 months of incredibly bad takes.

    This is coming from a white, cisgender person who is neither Jewish nor Muslim, and is worth $60 million ($10 million she made since the start of the pandemic)

    • @rifugee
      5110 months ago

      Is that what she is saying or is she saying that Muslims in the US normally get a lot of hate and since many people are upset by Israel’s actions Jewish people are now getting a taste of that?

      Maybe I’m missing some additional context but it doesn’t read to me like she’s condoning the hate towards any specific group, but simply pointing out that it exists.

      Maybe she’s full of crap or maybe she’s highly educated on the topic, I don’t know. I do know that it appears to me that people are putting words into her mouth. Again, maybe I’m missing something in the story?

      • @[email protected]
        1910 months ago

        My interpretation is your interpretation too.

        However, getting a taste of their own medicine, as a phrase, normally means it is justified and/or deserved. So, it could be interpreted as being gleeful in Jewish people being targets. I don’t think it is. I think she’s just pointing out that the use of terrorist actions by Israel affects ordinary Jews with nothing to do with the conflict, just like ordinary muslims have been affected for the last 20+ years.

        I think the fact that multiple people are getting cancelled over their support for Palestine is worrying. Especially as it doesn’t seem related to a public backlash, but comes from those with power. Maybe heavy handed PR protection. Maybe using influence they have to support Israel.

        As I type it, I realize that this is how conspiracy theories about Jewish secret influence starts. That’s not what I mean. I hope I keep my agent.

        • Zorque
          310 months ago

          Is that what the phrase normally means? Or is that just the most commonly held opinion by those offended by it?

          The basis of the phrase only seems to mean that something is happening to someone who would normally be doing it to others. It offers no justification at all. Except perhaps poetically.

          • Omega
            810 months ago

            There’s also a difference between saying “getting a taste” and “getting a taste of your own…”.

            One is just saying that you are experiencing what others have experienced, which is what she said.

            The other is putting forward an accusation which she is obviously not doing in that statement.

            • @[email protected]
              110 months ago

              Yes, but they are quite close phrases, so it’s not a huge leap for someone to make, in earnest. I assume an easier leap for concern trolls.

      • @gedaliyahM
        10 months ago

        Sounds more like she is justifying the frightening rise in antisemitism because Islamophobia already existed:

        “There are a lot of people afraid of being Jewish at this time, and are getting a taste of what it feels like to be a Muslim in this country,”

        I don’t think that she knows that Jews targeted by antisemitism is nothing new.

        • Zorque
          2110 months ago

          Or she’s saying both are bad, and sticking your head in the sand for one because you don’t like them but getting outraged by the other is hypocritical.

      • @gedaliyahM
        -4910 months ago

        Imagine defending a white person speaking over two minorities and telling them how they should feel about one another.

        • @[email protected]
          2610 months ago

          When you have to take Olympic sized leaps to make your argument sound better you have to know you done fucked up.

          • @gedaliyahM
            10 months ago

            When you have to ignore minorities telling you how they’re affected by something them you are probably just a-OK and you should keep doing what you’re doing and not think about it too hard.

    • @ultranaut
      1410 months ago

      What did she say? The few quotes I’ve found so far don’t seem to line up with what you are suggesting.

      • BlackbeardM
        2810 months ago

        This reeks of a well-funded and orchestrated PR campaign to neuter Israel criticism at all cost. They’re really grasping at straws here, and I get the feeling that if the outrage doesn’t stick they’ll suddenly stop talking about her at all and start stockpiling their money/energy for the next semi-tone deaf comment they can twist into a chest-thumping crusade against “antisemitism”.

          • @TheActualDevil
            310 months ago

            The way I remember that Affect is active. You affect things. Effect is passive, and is the result of something. Affect is a verb (and I think sometimes can be a descriptor). Effect is always a noun. So you can have the resulting effect of an experiment, but if you mess with some variables, you have affected the effect.

            Though, in this case, you’re turning the noun into a verb, so you could make the case for either use I think. If you hyphenate it though you can leave it as is without thought. "Streisand-effecting.

            Years ago I had a CEO of the company I worked at make a similar comment; “affect/effect. No one really knows which one to use.” So my contrarian, anti-authority ass just looked it up right then and decided to always know.

        • @gedaliyahM
          -1610 months ago

          According to what I’ve read just now, she said that amid the vile attacks against Jews in America “people that are afraid of being Jewish at this time are getting a taste of what it feels like to be a Muslim in this country.”

          This: a. Minimizes the violence against Jews and Jewish Gathering places right now b. Makes Jewish suffering secondary to the “real” suffering of Muslims c. Denies the tragic history of antisemitism in America d. Pits Jews and Muslims as two parties somehow against each other, when in reality, both groups suffer whenever racism in America goes unchecked e. Portrays antisemitism as a means to an end - that cold, unfeeling Jews could not possibly understand the suffering of Muslims

          Your suggestion that anyone offended by this is paid by some secretive corrupt cabal of globalist to do so…

          • BlackbeardM
            910 months ago
            1. If doesn’t do any of that, and you clearly missed the point she was making. By a lot.

            2. I didn’t say you, or anyone is being paid to be offended. Is this your first day learning English? A PR campaign doesn’t normally send checks to the people it targets, dumb ass.

            • @gedaliyahM
              -410 months ago

              Please educate me; who’s sending the checks? Who’s receiving them?

              • BlackbeardM
                710 months ago

                Do you know how marketing works? THEY’RE NOT SENDING PEOPLE CHECKS.

                • @gedaliyahM
                  10 months ago

                  Do you not know how money works? What do you think well-funded means?

                  • BlackbeardM
                    110 months ago

                    Holy shit dude. You’re not smart.

    • @kaffiene
      710 months ago

      Apparantly words mean different things for you

    • @twistypencil
      210 months ago

      I don’t see that in the quotes, what are you referring to?

      • @gedaliyahM
        -710 months ago

        Here is a response from Muslim American journalist Asra Nomani: (Sorry for the X Link) It includes the quote and Asra’s response to it.

        • @twistypencil
          510 months ago

          For every one Muslim who has a wonderful and positive experience in the USA, I can give you ten who are treated like shit, dehumanized and ridiculed on a daily basis. You cannot paper over Islamophobia with one nice anecdote just like you cannot do the opposite with anti semitism.

          • @gedaliyahM
            -410 months ago

            Yet Sarandon’s comment does exactly that with antisemitism. She portrays it as something that may (should?) be measured in relation to Islamophobia, and she characterizes it as “getting a taste.” Does that mean antisemitism is less than? It accounts for 60% of US religion-based hate crimes, despite Jews being about 2% of the population. It’s been that way for some time.

            • @twistypencil
              10 months ago

              I don’t get it, she can’t do that, but you can? Nobody here is saying anti semitism is ok, or doesn’t exist, nor is she from an honest read.