• @tjarod11
      576 months ago

      The Roswell Incident was declassified as well. It was a weather balloon with a microphone attachment that was meant to listen to a certain layer of the atmosphere where nukes are loudest. I don’t have the link as I’m on mobile.

      I don’t think the government would deny any extraterrestrial claims by the news during the cold war because it would scare the commies shitless if they thought the United States had alien technology.

      • @Duamerthrax
        256 months ago

        The US government has been caught spreading alien conspiracy theories. They were the ones supplying Paul Bennewitz with his bogus info to muddy the waters on the stealth craft they were working on at the time.

      • Jay
        6 months ago

        If I remember the story correctly the balloon was, as you said, to detect nuke detonations. When it crashed the government lied because they didn’t want anyone to know what they were up to.

        That method of detection wasn’t very effective anyway, we figured out much more reliable means of detecting nuclear explosions right on the ground using resonance, but it was pretty obvious the government was lying, so of course peoples imaginations went wild with conspiracies and the ufo thing was born.

        It was (and still is) a great thing for the US government, it deflects from what’s really going on and keeps the idiots busy chasing bullshit, and the enemies guessing as to what kind of tech they may really have. Toss them a bone once in awhile to keep the frenzy going and you have a reliable means of obfuscation for little to no effort.

      • @[email protected]
        66 months ago

        They used to. They moved that to a different base. 51 is little more than a convenient decoy for lookyloos now.

      • @Agent641
        46 months ago

        This is actually where they make the $20,000 toilet seats.

    • @agent_flounder
      36 months ago

      Yeah. Groom lake. Outside of Vegas. Not much to see unless you draw attention by trespassing. So I hear. I drove out there once but didn’t get all that close. Anyway that facility was the base for the CIA A-12 planes, their version of the SR-71 Blackhawk.