Like, I just was thinking about how lots of pet species will just eat as much food as you give them to the point of making themselves sick, and keeping them at a healthy weight requires not giving them access to too much food. Obviously some humans have problems with this, but imagine how bad things would be if everyone were basically psychologically incapable of not eating food when we had access to it even when we’d had enough, given our dramatically higher access to food due to agriculture.

  • @KermitLeFrog
    1610 months ago

    I’m still convinced that fat people just don’t have this feeling. Like when I eat too much, I legitimately feel sick. Stomach aches, neck and chest pain, nausea, lethargy, it’s awful. I’m on the borderline between healthy and overweight (even though I have basically no fat on my body). I have no idea how anyone functions while eating enough to gain and maintain all this weight. It’s completely insane to me

    • Septian
      3010 months ago

      Recovering fat guy here. Was 335 last year, down to 188 now. This is exactly it. I don’t have that feeling at all. When I eat the only thing that tells me to stop is when I’m physically incapable of eating any more. Realizing that some people have that switch was a big part of what helped me figure out what I needed to do to lose weight. I have to count the calories of every single thing I eat and make sure it doesn’t add up to more than I need in energy for the day. If I don’t, I’ll end up right back where I started.

      • flicker
        610 months ago

        I hate to say this but this is part of why Wegovy is working for me. It gave me the sense of being hungry, not hungry, and full. Also no sugar crashes when I go too long without eating.

        I’m not pimping for semaglutide but some of us clearly don’t have this important switch and I’m happy to get it however I can.

    • @[email protected]
      1010 months ago

      I don’t have that sense either. Food, no matter how much I’ve already eaten, still tastes so incredibly awesome that I just want to continue eating. I only stop once there’s nothing left, which is why I cook every meal myself to be able to control portion sizes.

    • @[email protected]
      110 months ago

      I mean a lot of fat people are old. Gain three pounds a year for thirty years and that’s sixty pounds of excess before you’re even sixty.