I just finished a long and insanely stressful sensory overload appointment to deal with some government paperwork stuff, and I realized partway in that I could REALLY use something unobtrusive to stim with. Anybody have good recommendations for something small enough to slip into my purse and that wouldn’t look far too awkward to use in a public environment dominated by neurotypical people? (I’m not concerned about looking a little awkward, lol, that ship sailed a long time ago)

  • @Restaldt
    51 year ago

    Saw someone mention spinner rings

    Just a ring you can wear and discreetly spin

    • @asukiiOP
      31 year ago

      Hmm, that could be an option - will look into it, thanks :)

    • @FollyDolly
      21 year ago

      This was going to be my suggestion! And a ring is great because it’s always with you, no bag or purse needed.