• tau
    410 months ago

    Well clearly they’re all horribly dangerous drivers and we need both to lower the speed limits further and show more advertising telling us how going a k over the limit will kill your family.

    Bit of a trap setting the speed limit that low there anyway, looking at the road in question it looks like a section where it would easily be safe to drive at 80 so 60 is going to feel very slow.

    • @khannie
      210 months ago

      Not an Aussie but that looks a very dodgy 60 to me. It does turn into an 80 a few hundred metres further on from where you linked.

      Seems like money grabbing. We had cops doing that here (Ireland) in areas that had poor speed limits and they would sit there raking in cash but quite a bit of complaining was done and they did bump them.

      The one that annoyed the piss out of me was a long 60 on a three lane wide road coming out of Dublin airport just before a 120. It’s 80 now thankfully.