• @Beetschnapps
    1210 months ago

    Also 2 unnecessary wars. Iraq causing the US to lose focus in Afghanistan. Republicans steered the Medicare part D BS and Bush signed it. The economy melting down then they blamed Obama. Then they questioned Obama’s citizenship. Before that was Reagan racking up debt, and raising taxes all while “states rights” was used as cover for institutional racism.

    Republicans have always been dog shit.

    • @Serinus
      1310 months ago

      Yes, but they never would have sold us out completely to China or Russia. Their goals were power and grift, but they weren’t willing to destroy the country to do so.

      As bad as they were, Trump is likely worse.

      • spaceghoti
        1010 months ago

        It’s a progression, though. They turned up the heat slowly so people wouldn’t notice how they’re being boiled alive. Romney isn’t a Tea Party/MAGAt like the rest, but he had no problem catering to them during his 2012 bid for the Presidency and he was part of the establishment that paved the way for the extremists. He can afford to distance himself now that he’s retiring, but he didn’t listen when we warned about the rise of extremism in his party. It’s too late to earn our respect for acknowledging it now.

        • @Copernican
          10 months ago

          It’s a progression, though. They turned up the heat slowly so people wouldn’t notice how they’re being boiled alive.

          This is like the same logic republicans use to say abortion is just a gateway to death councils for grandma.

          Don’t make false equivalencies when you don’t want them made against your party. Each party has a nuance of plurality in members.

      • @ChickenLadyLovesLife
        010 months ago

        they never would have sold us out completely to China or Russia

        Only because China and Russia weren’t shopping for US politicians at the time. For decades now Republicans have been about catering to the wishes of the wealthy - their basic treasonous natures were just masked by the fact that their wealthy donors used to be all-American.

    • @[email protected]
      210 months ago

      I don’t think you can really argue that the war in Afghanistan was “unnecessary.” We were attacked by terrorists from that country, remember?

      We were never going to let OBL do 9/11 and then just walk away.

      • @Beetschnapps
        110 months ago

        Except we did.

        When Bin Laden was cornered in caves in Afghanistan further resources to go after him were denied and sent to Iraq instead. There’s a reason OBL was killed in Pakistan during an entirely different presidential administration.