Hi. I’ve gone to two Vagioplasty Surgeons, Dr. Metlzer and Dr. Winograd. Dr. Meltzer’s staff removed me as a patient when i asked too many questions (Like why, over the phone their waiting list was 6 months, then i was told a year) and asked why my (former) therapist got to give him an unquilified medical opinion that may have been part of the delay. Dr. Winograd’s staff have been downright horribe to me, inserting rude comments into my medical record under my PCP’s name and generally doing everything they (Brigham Women’s hospital) can do to delay or deny services.

I’m looking for a decent Surgeon in the US (preferably on the east coast as CT is my home and most of my support is there.

I’m also trying to find support and advice on this stage of my transisition. I know its where I’m headed, but I’m not sure if I’ve mentally and emotionally prepared myself enough. I have the letters of referance, its just down to finding a surgeon (also a supportive partner, but thats another story) and more friends close by to encourage and support me (I know I might get unmotivated with dialation, so I’ve gotta find supportive people that are willing to push me around, if nessicary)

Thank you for reading this.

  • 𝕱𝖎𝖗𝖊𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖈𝖍
    210 months ago

    Check out Mt Sinai Transgender Center. They’re in NYC so it’s not too far from you. Do recommend.

    Feel free to DM me with any questions