If anything, cannabis seems like a much better (and more profitable) drug around which to build a leisurely establishment.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    It’s the guy with weed 30-40% less expensive than the guv’mint stores that also happens to be better quality 9/10 times.

    (I kid to a point - I use dispensaries too, because what’s not to like about picking up weed AND milk on a mini-mall grocery run - but seriously the market value for unregulated weed has plummeted something fierce since legalization. And what I’ve tried is pretty damn good).

    • @pineapplefriedriceOP
      11 year ago

      Eh depends on the province. Ontario is great. Quebec did a characteristically Quebec thing by saying that cannabis products couldn’t be “appealing”, so now they literally sell cannabis cauliflower and these gross granola bar-like things. Does way more harm than good, but they won’t hear it.