PHOENIX (AP) – The 2024 presidential election is drawing an unusually robust field of independent, third party and long shot candidates hoping to capitalize on Americans’ ambivalence and frustration over a likely rematch between Democrat Joe Biden and Republican Donald Trump.
You’ll die before you see a political system that isn’t shit. Do your best to endure and then fix the shit-mess we have.
When is “and then”?
I can tell you that it’s not this upcoming presidential election, but I can’t tell you when it will be. Maybe never. Maybe 4 years. I think there’s a good chance that we see a candidate that supports overturning Citizens United AND supports outlawing elected officials from trading stocks within the next decade. Outlawing lobbying is probably the third most likely, but once we do that we’ll be almost on the right track. It’s going to take a large scale societal shift away from Capitalism for that… so maybe 40 years there. Ranked choice voting is something that will probably never happen in the USA without a full on restructure. Once that happens, it’s probably not the USA anymore.
Lmao, just deal with it until things get better. When will things get better? Never!
As opposed to the option where you actively prevent things from getting better? You know, the thing you’re advocating for? Biden winning preserves the possibility that there could be change and improvement. Trump winning eliminates that possibility. Instead of “dealing with it” your solution is to make everything worse?
I think Biden winning is the least possibility of change. Absolutely not the changes Ive listed, which are the fundamental issues specifically preventing progress on political issues.
There are also other ways than just voting. Joining Unions for example and strikes. In Europe Unions have a massive influence on politics because they have the ability to strike and have huge membrrship numbers
Europe has ranked choice voting
I don’t know of any country in Europe that uses ranked choice voting. Where in Eutope?
my bad Im mixed up with proportional representation. Which would also be better than what we’ve got.
That is definitely true. Even Sortition would be better than what you have now.