• GodlessCommie
    -226 months ago

    Democrats destroyed roe with 50 years of promise, and doing nothing but raise money from it.

    • HuddaBudda
      66 months ago

      I think a large part of us assumed that people in power wouldn’t cross red lines that had existed for decades.

      Which was a terrible assumption for democrats to make. Especially when they controlled the house, senate, and presidency in the Obama era.

      That being said, let’s call a spade a spade here. Democrats have been fighting to return Roe v Wade in many states. And Republicans have been standing against it, to the point of fighting their voters on laws they voted for.

      • spaceghoti
        46 months ago

        Especially when they controlled the house, senate, and presidency in the Obama era.

        You mean, for the two whole weeks that they had the supermajority they needed to bypass Republican obstruction?

        This long-debunked talking point really needs to die once and for all.

        • Flying Squid
          26 months ago

          And when they had senators in their party like Joe Donnelly, who was anti-abortion.

          • @Ensign_Crab
            16 months ago

            And as recently as 2022, party leadership was propping up anti-choice candidates.

        • GodlessCommie
          -86 months ago

          The Freedom of Choice Act was already written and ready to go to vote BEFORE Obama was sworn in. Pelosi referred it to committee where it was sent to die.

          Democrats CHOSE to let it die while they had that super majority.

          • spaceghoti
            36 months ago

            Pelosi was dealing with the Blue Dogs, conservatives who were elected as Democrats. We didn’t have a progressive majority, we had a Democratic majority. And we still managed to get a record amount of progressive legislation through the House, where it went to die in the Senate thanks to the precedent-breaking tactic of filibustering everything Democrats tried to pass.

            Two weeks during a holiday break was not enough to accomplish every single policy goal you expect. Pay attention and stop blaming Democrats for having to deal with complications instead of assuming they wielded total and unrestricted power. Because they never did, and probably never will.

      • @[email protected]
        46 months ago

        We need federal laws protecting abortion access. Roe v Wade was inconsistent with any other bodily autonomy law and always needed to be backed up with concrete laws.

      • GodlessCommie
        -76 months ago

        Joe finally got his lifelong desire about Roe being a states rights issue.

    • @kometes
      46 months ago

      This is the trolliest thing I’ve ever read.