Excluding, say, here or the fediverse more broadly.

There have been some nice corners of the internet that have somehow kept going along their way that I’ve enjoyed lurking around like some alien observer. They are the few spaces I dare not pop in and ask, out of fear it would somehow break things.

  • CashewNut 🏴󠁢󠁥󠁧󠁿
    1510 months ago

    GeoCaching for offline (semi-online). When I learnt about it, it blew my mind. There’s literally trillions of hidden ‘stashes’ all around the world that people have hidden. In bushes, up poles, behind signs, etc. Every city. Fields, forests, everywhere!

    In the stashes you’d find anything from a piece of paper to mini figures or a bullet! You write your name on the paper and date it. Then you hide it and go hunting for more using the Geocaching app.

    • @[email protected]
      610 months ago

      Geocaching is great! I haven’t done it actively in a while but occasionally I’ll find a cache that someone else must have found and not understood what they had uncovered. I try to find the cache online and then rehide it.

    • @[email protected]OP
      110 months ago

      When you say hide it, do you mean back where you found it or elsewhere? Are there some that encourage you to add/move parts of the caches around from one to another?

      • @[email protected]
        210 months ago

        Afaik you can swap (you out one thing in and take one thing out). Usually in the same spot, yeah