• MudMan
    1110 months ago

    It reviewed pretty poorly, but that’s no guarantee.

    I have to say, even with a good game it would suck to release something kinda niche this year, and the Warhammer brand means so little these days, games under that release through a firehose at this point, it’s hard to know what’s coming up, let alone if it’s any good.

    • @Sanctus
      10 months ago

      Well with Warhammer games, its 90% RTS, 8% one-offs like Boltgun, and the other 2% is the Tide games. They don’t like to take risks or move to far away from the table top and mostly leave that up to brave studios who get a license. The market is prime for a WH40K soulslike right now.

      • MudMan
        910 months ago

        There’s a bunch more than that, and many just… come and go and often people don’t even notice.

        I mean, come on, how many people on this thread wouldn’t even have known this game existed if Frontier wasn’t slightly higher profile than most devs working on these?

        The 40K soulslike idea is… probably gonna happen eventually, I dunno. I’m not a big soulslike guy. Hey, maybe Space Marine 2 is good. Looks nice, anyway.

        For what it’s worth, what I really would like to see is a 40K game that is not about the space theocratic fascists for once. I should go back to play the Dawn of War sequel that nobody remembers happened, either, since that was the last time you got Eldar as a faction. And even then only because it was a throwback game to the first Dawn of War.

        • @Sanctus
          710 months ago

          An open-world game where you are the target of the Imperium’s xenophobia and hatred would probably be pretty hot right now considering world events. But GW would be way too scared to make the Imperium the actual antagonists of a piece of media because space marines are their cash cow.

          • MudMan
            410 months ago

            If that entire franchise’s fanbase needs a sanity check for a reason, it’s for that.

            I know they look cool and they’re easy to paint because of all the flat surfaces, but come on.

            It’s fine for your dark fantasy setting to have no good guys. It’s EXTREMELY not fine for your dark fantasy theocratic racists to become the good guys and for you to do nothing to stop it from happening.

            • @Sanctus
              210 months ago

              There might be underlying problems with our collective psyche. We seem to gravitate towards strong figures clouded in religious myths.

              Also, I’m a Wagh kinda guy myself. Nuthen beetz a gud ol’ krumpin’.

              • MudMan
                10 months ago

                Honestly, the Orks may be the most intellectually honest faction in that whole mess. They mostly just like to fight and think everybody else is a dick. And they’re right.

                But nah, when teenage me came to the idea of haughty, elitist space elves in hoverbikes there was never any other option. But they’re not the good guys. Nobody should be the good guys in that. ESPECIALLY not the human factions.

                • @Sanctus
                  210 months ago

                  That might be where most people have a problem. This may be completely anecdotal, but it seems a majority of people want things to be black and white. They want their villians easily identifiable, they want their heroes as pure as the first oxygen molecule. That may be why a lot of fans seem to choose the Space Marines as the “good guys” in a galaxy where there are none. I’ll never understand it cause its boring, put that yin in my yang and vice versa. I want stained heroes and misguided antagonists. I want a pain in my heart as it tries to decide who to root for.

                • @[email protected]
                  110 months ago

                  I feel like when I dipped my toes into the lore the Tau seemed the closest to good guys that I could find but I don’t know it well

                  • MudMan
                    110 months ago

                    Those are even after my time. From the outside it looked like them starting to step away from “fantasy races in space”, but it didn’t intrigue me enough to pay attention and they never really became the core of the videogames because space marines everywhere, so…

      • loobkoob
        610 months ago

        I’d play the hell out of a Remnant-like Warhammer 40K game. The Remnant blueprint is perfect for a 40K game.

      • R0cket_M00se
        310 months ago

        Chasing trends like Souls and/or BR games is a dead end.

        Space Marine 2 looks like it has some unique ideas for melee combat, let’s hope they don’t just abandon them so they can copy trends.