PHOENIX (AP) – The 2024 presidential election is drawing an unusually robust field of independent, third party and long shot candidates hoping to capitalize on Americans’ ambivalence and frustration over a likely rematch between Democrat Joe Biden and Republican Donald Trump.

  • @Seasm0ke
    -610 months ago

    Thats rich, you’re eating with these people, breaking bread and kissing their cheek and telling me I’m the problem.

    • @pahlimur
      510 months ago

      It’s surprising how complicated life is. I’ve cut off multiple family members but I can’t control who is invited all the time dumbass. Stop being dense.

      Republicans love you for voting third party. And would put you in the camps with my educated ass.

      • @Seasm0ke
        -910 months ago

        And its good to know enlightened Democrats will sit and eat with them as they plan to March me into a concentration camp. Thanks for your service, braver than the troops o7

        • @pahlimur
          510 months ago

          Lol. Pride is your sin.

          • @Seasm0ke
            -610 months ago

            Oh no, a collaborator called me prideful and sinful, guess ill vote Democrat now!! Its laughable how you spineless fucks rationalize your way through this.

            • @pahlimur
              410 months ago

              Be heated all you want. You are still acting the way Republicans want. Voting third party is a part of their wet dreams.

              Collaborator is a funny thing to call me. I am good at pretending to be Republican, which I will continue to do for my kid’s sake. Is it right? IDK. Like I said before life is complex and IDK what is going to happen in the future.

              • @Seasm0ke
                -310 months ago

                I guess thats the difference between us, you save your resistance for the ballot and are priveleged enough to pass through their lives in secret and try to do so. I try to live my resistance and the ballot is a small step along the way.

                If you and others like you lived your truth in every day life, the Republicans would not have a foothold.

                • @pahlimur
                  410 months ago

                  Eh, kind of. I can’t live my truth unless my family is safe. The ballot step is huge, it is between us and violence. That violence is the thing I want to avoid. I’m not above being violent but for me personally I can be more damaging by pretending to be something I’m not.

                  I fully support you pushing for change, during the primary. I do the same. After that fucking do the right thing.

                  • @Seasm0ke
                    -310 months ago

                    The ballot step IS violence. It is funding apartheid in Palestine, border walls, domestic terrorism, police violence, Latin American coup, poverty and the list goes on.

                    We never stop pushing for change or we lose. Change doesn’t have a state sanctioned season. Change starts in the street before it shows on the ballot.

                    Violence is not the only actions, marching in protests, stopping unlawful evictions, feeding the houseless, arming people with knowledge, prisoner support, mutual aid and support for grassroots efforts all foster material change. Direct action is the only thing that will stop fascism. That includes cutting off family but also leaving the fucking table or kicking em out of the house when they come to eat. Boss is a Nazi? Quit your job and tell everyone why. Ask for support when you need it. Remember if there are three people sitting at a table with 7 Nazis there are 10 Nazis at the table. When they start rounding people up are you going to shrug and say at least I voted for the other guy??