• Omega
    22 years ago

    The Democratic Party is a lot more moderate than you think. I voted for Bernie, he lost.

    Bernie is a shining example of progressive ideals that has shifted the landscape. But he never going to get the support of the majority of Democrats.

    • Discoslugs
      32 years ago

      Bernie is a shining example of progressive ideals that has shifted the landscape. But he never going to get the support of the majority of Democrats.

      Lol my student loans got shifted alright.

      Statements like these reaffirm my political stances. This system is working as intended and its miserable af. Lol

      This is why i am an anarchist.

      • Omega
        22 years ago

        You know Biden is pushing for debt relief right? That’s Bernie shifting the landscape. Shift it enough, and you’ll get someone like Bernie.

        Unless you want to go back to '90s Republican-lite Democrats.

        • Discoslugs
          32 years ago

          You know Biden is pushing for debt relief right?

          Yeah let me know when that happens. When he was running he was gonna cancel it! Thats the bernie shift that I want.

          Unless you want to go back to '90s Republican-lite Democrats.

          Are shitty democrats now and shitty democrats 30 years ago the extent of your political imagination?

          • Omega
            2 years ago

            So you don’t want debt relief? You don’t want the Democrats to continue getting more progressive?

            If you can’t get your way now, then might as well let everything become a conservative hellhole? That’s your idea of anarchy? That’s the extent of your political imagination?

            I’m going to continue supporting what’s best for the country, even if I don’t get everything I want. Because I’m an adult. And I care for my fellow people.

            You go be chaotic though.

            • Discoslugs
              22 years ago

              If you can’t get your way now, then might as well let everything become a conservative hellhole? That’s your idea of anarchy? That’s the extent of your political imagination?

              How about 15 years ago when i started voting blue? Lmao. Things are getting worse, dems couldn’t even protect abortion.

              Once again you are limiting your view to the two parties. If I dont like the shitty democrats then i get conservative hell hole? Thats is? Those are my two chioces?

              You should read about aome alternative government structures . there is more out there than these two crappy excuses for political parties. It would give you tools to critizes them and improve them if thats what you wanted to do. Instead of simply continuing to vote for them.

              You go be chaotic though.

              And there it is. The classic liberal definition of anarchy: chaos. Anarchy simply means: An- meaning without, archy or Arch meaning a ruler, lord, or master. So government without rulers or lords or masters.

              Thats it. Can can mean many things but they are all non hierarchal or even Horizontal. Bottom up.

              If you want to have a conversation about what anarchy really could mean, let me know. But if you stance is simply to shill the latest progessive, you can count me out.

              I’m going to continue supporting what’s best for the country, even if I don’t get everything I want. Because I’m an adult. And I care for my fellow people.

              High Horse elitest bullshit.

              You: " im going to keep voting for the same, weak half-convervative talking heads that will roll back on their promises as soon as they get into office!

              Because I CARE ABOUT PEOPLE!"

              If you think the republicans OR democrats are whats best for this country… We can end this conversation.

              • Omega
                22 years ago

                If I dont like the shitty democrats then i get conservative hell hole? Thats is? Those are my two chioces?

                Yes. Those are your two options, like it or not. Vote Dem or make things worse by letting the Republicans win. All of your complaints are because of Republicans winning. FPTP or whatever else you’re suggesting is great, but it’s fantasy.

                SCOTUS isn’t Dems fault. Manchin and Sinema aren’t controlled by the other Senators. If those are all of your problems, lashing out at the rest of the party is only going to make things worse.

                • Discoslugs
                  22 years ago

                  Yes. Those are your two options, like it or not. Vote Dem or make things worse by letting the Republicans win.

                  No they arent. Voting is not the only way to participate in government. Also i have been voting. Its not working.

                  SCOTUS isn’t Dems fault.

                  Save your lame excuses for someone who believes them. And I dont care if its their fault, its their fucking job and they arent doing it.

                  If they are the only option, the system is broken. is it working as intended?

                  whatever else you’re suggesting is great, but it’s fantasy

                  Ill take a fantasy over a gararanteed pile of shit.

                  Have a nice day.