• @AA5B
    510 months ago

    That’s the legal purpose of a yellow light, yes. However people have been getting worse and worse with actually following it. Now on green I always wait a few seconds for some yahoo to come flying through on the side street claiming he made it on yellow

    • @MisterFrog
      210 months ago

      No red light cameras in your parts? I get this happens, but if it’s this frequent makes me wonder if there’s ever any fines for it? Depending how late it is should be instant licence revokation and fine in my opinion.

      • @AA5B
        210 months ago

        A couple decades ago, there was a scandal in, I think, Chicago. They used red light cameras but then kept cutting the timing of the yellow lights, turning it into a revenue generating exercise. People remember.

        • @MisterFrog
          110 months ago

          That sucks (both the people running lights, and the failure in red light cameras) stay safe out there friend.