Not really looking for advice, not really venting… just wanted to share my experiences.

Our 3 year old is relatively potty trained at home, but at school is hit-or-miss. She’s slipping back a bit in regression at home, but not having to change diapers anymore is so worth it!

  • @like47ninjas
    32 years ago

    I feel that. Not changing diapers is awesome. My son’s around 3 as well and has just migrated to using the regular toilet with one of those potty seat things.

    Not having to throw out/clean the starter potty is another huge jump for us that I’m really enjoying.

    • @PKRockinOP
      32 years ago

      hah we gave up on the starter potty real fast. We’re still struggling through a full acceptance of potty, but every step forward is a good step!