Not really looking for advice, not really venting… just wanted to share my experiences.

Our 3 year old is relatively potty trained at home, but at school is hit-or-miss. She’s slipping back a bit in regression at home, but not having to change diapers anymore is so worth it!

  • @like47ninjas
    31 year ago

    I feel that. Not changing diapers is awesome. My son’s around 3 as well and has just migrated to using the regular toilet with one of those potty seat things.

    Not having to throw out/clean the starter potty is another huge jump for us that I’m really enjoying.

    • @PKRockinOP
      31 year ago

      hah we gave up on the starter potty real fast. We’re still struggling through a full acceptance of potty, but every step forward is a good step!

  • @WhiteOakBayou
    31 year ago

    I feel the same way. My little guy is just transitioned to full time underwear and he will dribble before he gets up to go to the potty. Just enough to wet the underwear. Giving him new underwear 4 times a day beats the diapers anytime.

  • Briguy24
    21 year ago

    It’s a process not an instant flip. Stay positive and she’ll get it!

  • @orangeNgreen
    11 year ago

    We do a family beach trip every summer. This year was our first time with 2 kids: a 2 year old and a 1 month old. It was a nice trip, but I came home more exhausted than when I left. To maybe make next year’s trip a little easier, I made it a personal goal to have my toddler potty trained and capable of surviving in water by the time we go next year.

    I can already tell I have my work cut out for me!