I wish there was an alternative to leaving Reddit

  • @Heliumania
    401 year ago

    It’s still hard to transition ! Especially with a lack of good apps on mobile (at least iOS). It’s only the beginning

    PS : It’s my first comment on Lemmy (yay!)

    • throwaway_ghast
      241 year ago

      A lot of former Digg users felt the same way when they transitioned to reddit back in the day. It was a new and scary ecosystem, but it quickly became natural to use.

      • @lanbanger
        141 year ago

        Digg proved that the switching costs to a new link-sharing platform are incredibly low. Huffman is about to find out just how low those switching costs are. He’s right in the storm-eye of his Digg v4 moment, and probably only his resignation and complete re-work of the API plans can save the Reddit that was.

        Reddit is dead, long live Fediverse.

    • @[email protected]
      111 year ago

      Are you using Mlem on iOS? I keep switching back and forth between the mobile site and mlem. Not sure which I like better at the moment.

      • @[email protected]
        51 year ago

        I finally got Mlem to work after fighting the iOS updater all night, and it’s honestly much nicer to use than the web interface. It feels extremely reminiscent of Apollo for Reddit.

      • @[email protected]
        41 year ago

        I just started using it, obviously needs more features but I like it more than the mobile page, I kept getting weird little glitches and losing my place in the page

    • @WhiteBreadBuddha
      101 year ago

      Exactly. Reddit had the most comprehensive and fleshed out (third party) apps of any other similar platform that I know of. But with the exodus, I’m really hoping we can all breathe some life into some of the apps that we do have access to that weren’t getting as much attention

    • @Rompetomp
      91 year ago

      I’m using mlem right now (you need to TestFlight it), and while being rough around the edges, it’s got potential, and it’s already better than the mobile web ui of Lemmy

    • @GreenCrush
      41 year ago

      Have you tried using the mobile site? App selection on Android isn’t the best but the mobile site is actually pretty good.

      • @calhoon2005
        71 year ago

        Jerboa on Android seems pretty easy to use so far.

        • @Scaldart
          41 year ago

          Yeah! I’m still new to everything here, but nothing has yet broken to the point of un-usability. That’s more than I can say for the official Reddit app. Lol.

          • @DocWurzel
            31 year ago

            Same here. If I can’t use a 3rd party app to smooth over Reddit’s shit-filled cracks then I’m done with it. Jerboa seems ok so far. I’ve also signed up for a Mastodon account, awaiting approval, so I may end up using Fedilab

            • @Scaldart
              21 year ago

              You’ll have to find me again sometime to let me know how Mastodon works for you! I’ve considered it, but I was never really that big into social media, except for Reddit. Twitter was never appealing to me, so I guess I may have some bias there, but at the same time I’d like to get more involved with the fediverse as a whole.

              Best of luck to you!

      • SanguinePar
        1 year ago

        the mobile site is actually pretty good.

        It is, and I’m thinking about using it via the app Hermit - it’s really just a wrapper for the site, but it gives you a bit more of an app-like experience (its own icon, a customisable sidebar, various visual customisations).

        I already use it for a football forum I frequent, and honestly I sometimes forget that it’s not a native app.

        I’m writing this on Jerboa, and it’s pretty good, but I’m going to see if Hermit can match or better it.

        EDIT - Just to add to this - since I posted I’ve discovered there’s an update to Jerboa and it’s already looking like quite an improvement.

          • SanguinePar
            11 year ago

            Nice one! I’ve not yet really tried it for Lemmy, Jerboa’s still doing the job for me, but I will do at some point. Glad it’s working out for you :-)

      • Tug
        11 year ago

        Except for the constant pestering to use the app that has been going on since about September last year. It’s why I went to Relay