It sucks.

  • @BassTurd
    410 months ago

    YT isn’t pushing the content that I’m subscribed to. It’s hosting it and serving it when I want to watch it. In turn those creators make money so that they can continue creating content that I enjoy. There is no better platform for finding content on how to compete some tasks, like fixing something specific on a car, how to knit a scarf, or unbiased snowboard reviews. Without YT, that information does not exist to the general public for free or is not easily accessible. Can it be better? Absolutely. But it is absolutely a net gain for content creators regardless of the disservices you may be referencing, and as I mentioned, provided access to information not available anywhere else.

    • @Daft_ishOP
      10 months ago

      I get it, you want to ride youtubes dick because they monetized their platform. A task that can never happen on any other platform. Thats sarcasm btw.

      As much as you want to believe it’s me that is being short sighted if you actually took a minute to evaluate the state of things you would concede things aren’t all that great from any perspective. It’s OK though. Your happy I’m happy. You do you.