I don’t understand why it took us 50 years to figure out how to do encrypted messaging-over-email. Anyone wanna swap email addresses?

  • SybilOP
    01 year ago

    i would never bother with anything that i consider to be highly secure over any clearnet service. but for keeping advertisers out of my messages or just run of the mill dragnets, or spot-censorship (like how facebook or others forbid certain links), i think deltachat is a really reasonable solution.

    but to this point:

    , it is inadvisable for privacy to keep data (even in an encrypted form) on a server post delivery.

    deltachat has an option to delete server-side.

      • SybilOP
        01 year ago

        you’re asking more than i really know here. i haven’t even convinced any of my friends to use it. it was hard enough getting their email addresses lol.

      • SybilOP
        01 year ago

        this is my settings screen. it looks like you would need to actually ask your friends to turn on the server-side purging.