Amazon exec says it’s time for workers to ‘disagree and commit’ to office return — “I don’t have data to back it up, but I know it’s better.”::“We’re here, we’re back. It’s working,” an Amazon Studios head said in a meeting, before acknowledging a lack of evidence.

  • @kescusay
    6310 months ago

    How about… No?

    I’m one of the folks who actually likes to go in to the office every once in a while, but I’m never making it a daily commute. Never again.

    Hell, I’m on an international team now. Over the course of the pandemic, we built ourselves up with folks from multiple states and multiple countries. There is exactly one person on my team I could see regularly if we went back to the office. Literally everyone else is hundreds of miles away at a minimum. Many would need passports.

    And that one person? He’s got an immune-compromised family member, so he’s never going back to the office and risking his loved one’s life.

    Fortunately, my employer knows it would make zero sense to require all of us to go back to the office. My boss doesn’t even live in the same state as me.

    • @silverbax
      3010 months ago

      Yeah, I’m never commuting again, either.

      For companies, your laziest employees are the ones who want to be in the office, because they know that’s the only metric the company is measuring, so they go in and fuck around doing nothing all day.

      Companies who don’t get with the remote work program are dinosaurs and will die off over time.

      • @Magister
        1810 months ago

        Same, winter is coming, with snow a commute could be 2h forth and 2h back, to do ~20 miles ; never again.

    • edric
      910 months ago

      Same. All the meetings I attend comprise of people from different parts of the world. If I go in to the office, all my meetings will be on zoom anyway, so what’s the point of being physically present? I only come in from time to time as well and the primary purpose is socialization, where the only other person on my team in the same location as me plan to meet up in the office, which is once every few weeks.

    • Flying Squid
      510 months ago

      There was not a single thing at my last job that I needed to do in the office that I couldn’t accomplish at home. Not one. I know, because it was a hybrid schedule and I did the exact same thing both places. They didn’t even need to get me equipment to do my work at home. I just did it on my computer I already had. Everything was either done directly on the company’s website or was Google cloud-based and all of our meetings were via Zoom.

      And yet, I had to come in half the week. It wasn’t even a saving money on real estate thing because it was an office that was part of a big warehouse/factory, so they would not only need the space regardless, they could actually put more production lines in if they could take out the office space.

      It made absolutely no sense.