I’ve got a post in my community that was posted by mistake. This one:


It was actually me that posted it from my Mastodon account.

I can’t see a way to delete or hide it from the community.

The kebab menu only has the following items:

  • Create report
  • Block user
  • Lock
  • Community pin

I’ve tried reporting the post and it appears on the report page, but I don’t seem to be able to do anything with it other than clicking “resolve report”.

  • Hallenbeck LemmyOP
    110 months ago

    I still don’t see moderation options on my posts from Mastodon.

    This community: https://lemmy.world/c/coys

    Most of my posts are from Mastodon. None of them can be removed from Lemmy from within Lemmy, even though I am a mod of that community.

    • CommunityLinkFixerBotB
      110 months ago

      Hi there! Looks like you linked to a Lemmy community using a URL instead of its name, which doesn’t work well for people on different instances. Try fixing it like this: [email protected]

    • m3t00🌎
      110 months ago

      Not sure. Depends a lot on context. menu changes depending on how you got there. From the report mailbox links often land me on the poster’s instance not logged in. Confusing for sure. Try clicking on the group page link. clicking on the post title works, iirc

      • m3t00🌎
        10 months ago

        might be different since poster is also a mod. my example was from a non-member mastodon account. same name different instance

    • @RookiA
      110 months ago

      YOU are not a mod btw! “Hallenberg” is. Not you. You probably transfered your ownership to him and did not thought about it. With no mod perms you will not have any mod actions or user action.

      • Hallenbeck LemmyOP
        18 months ago

        Not sure what you’re getting at. I am Hallenbeck. I am the mod of the [email protected]. There is no ”Hallenberg". Not sure what you’re saying.

        • @RookiA
          18 months ago

          Now you are, before it wasnt shown on the lemmy ui. It was 2 months ago, so many things could have changed.