• @BassaForte
    10 months ago

    It’s too bad they keep talking about it as if it’s going to happen, then.

    EDIT: This is going to be my only response to people who say dems aren’t trying to take away / ban guns from now on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yW1HPoqqB_8

    You people are funny.

    • @[email protected]
      2310 months ago

      Reminder that it was Reagan who took guns away in California because he didnt want Black Panthers having guns.

      • @BassaForte
        610 months ago

        I am 100% aware, thank you. But that doesn’t change the fact that dems have to spout garbage about gun bans every time they open their mouths.

        • @[email protected]
          -210 months ago

          Red flag laws to prevent nutbags from owning assault rifles isn’t ‘a gun ban’. No one’s treading on you sweetie. No one step on snek.

          You just feel so persecuted someone might DARE to regulate your fetish it gets you all worked up.

          • @BassaForte
            10 months ago

            So many assumptions in one comment, lmao. You don’t know me, but nice attempt at insulting me.

            But FWIW, “assault weapons ban” is literally a “ban” and they’ve been pushing it for years. I’m not talking about red flag laws.

            EDIT: Okay I’m seriously confused why so many of you outright deny that dems are constantly talking about gun bans. Do you watch the news, like at all? No matter the source, and AT LEAST every election cycle, there’s a constant stream of pushing for an assault weapons ban. You have to be actually living under a rock to have never seen those words written or spoken by a dem.

            And FWIW, THIS IS COMING FROM A DEM. I am against gun bans, but why the fuck are you lying and denying that dems don’t talk about gun bans??? Are you trying to play stupid?

              • @BassaForte
                610 months ago

                I’m not a dem because the only issue I disagree with Dems on is guns? Despite the fact that I vote dem? Ok buddy

                You know, you can vote a certain way but still disagree with and be vocal about certain issues.

                • @[email protected]
                  -210 months ago

                  Don’t get upset baby, lots of people think they’re decent before self examination.

                  • @BassaForte
                    110 months ago

                    Speak for yourself, lol

        • SnausagesinaBlanket
          -310 months ago

          the fact that dems have to spout garbage about gun bans every time they open their mouths.

          Got any solid examples as of late?

              • @[email protected]
                210 months ago

                (38)The term “semi-automatic” means A: Upon firing, uses a portion of the energy to eject the last round and load another. B: Requires a seperste pull of the trigger C: Is not a machine-gun

                (V)(1) Except those provided exemptions, it is illegal to import, sell, manufacture, transfer, recieve, or possess a firearm of the above description, or any combination of parts that can create the above description.

                (2)(1) Exemptions include:

                • Sale to government agency or any State or Tribe.
                • Sale to nuclear power plant security forces.
                • Any grandfathered in device, all semi-automatics are grandfathered if manufactured and purchased before the date of enactment.
                • Any immediate family transfers are still allowed for grandfathered devices.
                • 22.cal Firearms.
                • Fixed magazines under 10 rounds (rifles)
                • Fixed magazines under 15 rounds (pistols)

                (W)(1) It is now illegal to import, sell, manufacture, transfer, or possess high capacity feeding decices over 10 rounds. Same exemptions apply minus the last.

                Breaking of this law constitutes a maximum. 10 year prison sentence and $250000

              • @BassaForte
                310 months ago
                1. So you’re okay with the government seizing your property and most likely not giving you the cash value of your rifles (because if you think they will, that’s hilarious)

                2. People need long guns for as long as conservatives are going to attempt insurrections and threaten civil war. But no let’s just ignore everything that happened in 2020.

              • @SupraMario
                210 months ago

                I need to make a c/AsAGunOwner you’re a gun owner like I’m the king of England.

                You even saying the word assault rifle is hilarious…you cannot just buy an assault rifle, they are just dressed up plastic semi-automatic rifles…and you’d know that if you were an actual gun owner.

                  • @SupraMario
                    110 months ago

                    Yes the second amendment isn’t for hunting…you FUDD

        • @Soulg
          -510 months ago

          No, they don’t. You’re either lying or massively exaggerating.

      • @RaoulDook
        210 months ago

        Nobody who has been on Reddit or Lemmy for any amount of time needs a reminder about that because it gets repeated 1 million times per day on every platform whenever gun control is mentioned.

    • @[email protected]
      710 months ago

      That’s the point. It’s easier to control people with fear, uncertainty and doubt than with any kind of tangible action. Just give people something to hate and tell them you are their savior. It doesn’t actually matter if you do anything about “it”, just blame your enemies for your “failures”.

      Does that remind you of any quotes?

    • NataliePortlandOP
      210 months ago

      Totally. Like every day. I can’t seem to find any specific examples though, would you mind helping me out with that?

      • @BassaForte
        610 months ago

        Google “assault weapons ban”. Click the news tab. It’s automatically sorted by newest.

        • NataliePortlandOP
          210 months ago

          Banning the sale of military-style assault weapons is exactly the same thing as taking your guns away.

            • @Soulg
              010 months ago

              They were being sarcastic because it actually isn’t

          • @BassaForte
            010 months ago

            “Yes we’re going to take your AR-15s” - Beto O’Rourke

            Doesn’t sound like banning the sale of them, sounds like outright banning them to me.

            • NataliePortlandOP
              10 months ago

              Beto o rourke? Doesn’t ring a bell. Remind me what office he holds ?

              No seriously though- really nice work. You found one quote from the former mayor of a Texas town who currently holds no office, and you’re using that quote like it defines a literally decades-long campaign of “Dems are gonna take your guns” Come on man you can do better than that. I’ll even GIVE you one: “ take their guns first, do due process second” there, that one’s on me.

              • @BassaForte
                10 months ago

                He was a nominee for presidential candidate* you baffoon, and a close ally with Biden as well.

                And that’s just one example from 2019. There are plenty more examples if you dig a bit more.

                I’ll even GIVE you one: “ take their guns first, do due process second” there, that one’s on me.

                Yup, that’s another good one, but unfortunately that one wasn’t spoken by a “dem”. Still a great example of authoritarians trying to disarm civilians which is precisely what I am against.

                • NataliePortlandOP
                  110 months ago

                  There’s no need for name-calling here. If that’s how you want to debate you can do it with someone else.

                  • @BassaForte
                    110 months ago

                    I genuinely didn’t mean to insult you with the word “baffoon”, but I honestly find it silly that you’re taking the “holier than though” approach here. Whatever floats your boat.

        • @[email protected]
          -510 months ago

          Banning assault weapon sales is not the same thing. I’m frankly amazed you can get this worked up about a subject you obviously have entirely misinterpreted - there’s only one use case for the ‘dems are taking your guns’ and that’s stoking fearmongering conservatives into their daily frothing delirium on Fox news.

          • @BassaForte
            010 months ago

            “Yes we’re going to take your AR-15s” - a direct quote from former Democrat representative and former presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke.

            I’m not misinterpreting anything. During the entire 2020 election cycle it was about taking guns, not banning sales. And I guarantee that it’s going to start again en masse during the 2024 election cycle.

            And I’m only getting worked up because you are either so blindly wrong and refusing all of the evidence around you, or straight up lying and being disingenuous, and I just don’t understand which it is.

            • @[email protected]
              -110 months ago

              Taking AR15s, banning assault rifles - neither of these things are ‘coming for your guns’ unless the only guns you rock are assault rifles.

              And that’s Beto, one voice in a giant crowd who didn’t even get elected. But keep crying lil baby, no one step on snek, no one’s taking your bangbangs, you just got really upset over nothing.

              • @BassaForte
                010 months ago

                AR15s are the most common firearm in the country. Almost every person who owns a gun most likely owns an AR-15. And to be a little pedantic, AR15s are not assault rifles because they cannot select fire (switch to full auto).

                And yes I learned today that Beto was never elected. I was kinda surprised actually. But it is in fact one dem who literally said “I’m gonna take your guns”, word for word, and a lot of people did support him. That doesn’t mean absolutely nothing and as a dem, I am fully aware that there are many Dems that would support the outright ban of guns without hesitation (I know a few).

                But to think I’m upset over this, no lol. I think we need stricter gun regulation, but sale bans, outright bans, and confiscation are taking it way too far, when leftists should be arming themselves after a near-miss insurrection with Chief Cheeto. I don’t think I’m in the wrong for supporting gun ownership and self defense as a civilian and human right and the above (plus COVID happening) is literal proof that shit isn’t good right now and it can get worse. Seriously, I lived in Philly at the beginning of COVID and police were unable to keep up with emergency calls. If police can’t protect you (and why even expect it?) then learn to protect yourself, and firearms level the playing field.