mother and son who aided in the theft of then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-Calif.) laptop when they participated in the mob that breached the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, were sentenced Wednesday.

Maryann Mooney-Rondon, 57, was sentenced to five years of probation, with the first 12 months to be served in home incarceration. She must also pay $3,657.51 in restitution, a fine of $7,500 and perform 350 hours of community service.

Her son, Rafael Rondon, 25, was sentenced to five years of probation, with the first 18 months to be served in home incarceration. He must pay $2,000 in restitution and perform 350 hours of community service. His sentence is to be served consecutive to a separate one in New York for possession of an unregistered sawed-off shotgun that he was convicted of seizing with several other firearms.

  • @Raiderkev
    107 months ago

    Sheesh, how many Pelosi laptops got stolen that day?!

    • @IMongoose
      97 months ago

      Here’s your new laptop, once you are done transferring the stuff off your old one let me know and I’ll come get it.

      -IT 5 years ago

      • @Raiderkev
        67 months ago

        Lol, I definitely still have my old company rig 😬

    • @shalafi
      57 months ago

      LOL, been following this news from day-1 and just realized there were TWO cases.