Russian President Vladimir Putin is urging Russians to have more children. 
"Large families must become the norm," Putin said in a speech Tuesday. 
Russian birth rates are falling amid war in Ukraine and a deepening economic crisis. 

Russian President Vladimir Putin is urging women to have as many as eight children as the number of dead Russian soldiers continues to rise in his war with Ukraine, worsening the country’s population crisis.

Addressing the World Russian People’s Council in Moscow on Tuesday, Putin said the country must return to a time when large families were the norm.

“Many of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, had seven, eight, or even more children,” Putin said.

  • @uis
    17 months ago

    South Osetia and Abkhazia are Putin’s puppets.


    And if you have time to prepare visa in advance there are many, many more options.

    Hmm… What are chances of getting visa somewhere in EU?

    • @Sanyanov
      27 months ago

      Slim, to say the least.

      Still, you can try getting educational/work visa somewhere in Finland, or France, for example, and go from there.

      Or, if you’re in danger other than mobilization, you can try to request political asylum - things get worse with that too, but it’s still possible.

      • @uis
        27 months ago
