Their policies are basically racist policies. I believe it’s a racist party. Donald Trump is just the opposite. He’s he’s going to tell you how it is. He’s going to give it to you straight."

I agree. Democrats have racist policies. It’s a racist party.

        • @[email protected]
          210 months ago

          Yes you can. What a bullshit cop out answer.

          This sub is a failure (by your standards) because actual discussion is not possible with the little turds derailing all topics. But since they’re on “your side” you let them get away with it. This poisons discourse.

          I would love to have actual real discussions, not just back and forth name calling, but if you want to just sit in your little kiddie pool with your friends and tickle each others’ feet then enjoy sitting in your little pissy pool.

          It’s good to know you don’t care for actual discourse, thanks for clearing that up.

    • @karobeccary
      210 months ago

      No he’s not, he’s alan combes to your sean hannity.