Their policies are basically racist policies. I believe it’s a racist party. Donald Trump is just the opposite. He’s he’s going to tell you how it is. He’s going to give it to you straight."

I agree. Democrats have racist policies. It’s a racist party.

  • PizzaMan
    710 months ago

    It’s a racist party.

    If this is true, why does the KKK endorse Trump?

    • NeuromancerOPM
      -310 months ago

      There isn’t one KKK group.

      Why did the Neo-Nazis supports Biden ?

      Why did the democrats start the KKK?

      Why did the democrats start a war to save slavery ?

      • PizzaMan
        10 months ago

        There isn’t one KKK group.


        Why did the Neo-Nazis supports Biden ?

        For chaos, and neo-nazi political gain. If you make your opponents look bad by associating with them, then thatDemocrat?

        Also of note, Biden immediately said “fuck off nazi” when that happened. Trump routinely needs to be pressured to say “fuck off nazi” when these things happen, if he does it at all.

        Why did the democrats start the KKK?

        Why did the democrats start a war to save slavery

        The parties switched. The democratic party of the time was conservative with the republican party being progressive.

          • PizzaMan
            10 months ago

            The parties never switched

            They did though. Please, I beg of you to talk to an actual historian.

            Well looks like you answered your own question why the KKK backed trumped. They wanted chaos.

            Ok, then tell me why basically all neo-nazis and KKK members are republicans?


            Never in my life have I seen such a terrible source of information.

            • NeuromancerOPM
              -310 months ago

              You really need to start acting in good faith. I posted an article that explains why with cites from historians. You jump to you should talk to a historian which I just cited.

              You then make the false claim all Neo-Nazis are republican which I just cited where Spencer the head of the Neo Nazis voted for Biden.

              You don’t operate in good faith. As such I’m done.

              • PizzaMan
                310 months ago

                I posted an article that explains why with cites from historians

                No you didn’t.

                You then make the false claim all Neo-Nazis are republican which I just cited where Spencer the head of the Neo Nazis voted for Biden.

                I said “basically all” not “all”.

    • @karobeccary
      410 months ago

      Amazing, some people will fall for any old lie if it fits their agenda.

      Great article, thanks for correcting the record on this.

      • @[email protected]
        -310 months ago

        Amazing, some people will fall for any old lie if it fits their agenda.

        Thank you for making such a good example

    • NeuromancerOPM
      -610 months ago

      However, Fisher was listed as a director in BLM RI’s articles of incorporation with the state in 2020.

      In late October, Fisher posted online an undated photo of himself within a group of people wearing BLM RI T-shirts. Dantzler is shown at the far left of the image. Dantzler did not immediately comment on the picture.

      So yes, he was part of the BLM RI in a director capacity.

      • @[email protected]
        410 months ago

        Yeah weird. So director, but possibly not founder, as the headline says. Then he got fired for some reason.

        It seems like a lot of republicans don’t really like BLM, so I wonder at the reaction to a former BLM member endorsing the Donald.

        I didn’t realize the Democrats were so racist. What’s an example of a democrat racist policy?

          • @[email protected]
            410 months ago

            There are also arguments that elite liberals encourage housing segregation on a local level. But I still think overall Democrats do far far more for minorities, even if a lot seem to be doing it for their own smugness in “helping the less fortunate.” Contrast that with the few token gestures Republicans offer, while still being largely racist and stuck in the past.

            • NeuromancerOPM
              -510 months ago

              Democrats have done more to harm black people than help them. Republicans strive to treat all people the same and provide equal opportunity for all people. Welfare is just another Democrat attempt to keep black people in slavery.

              • PizzaMan
                410 months ago

                Republicans strive to treat all people the same and provide equal opportunity for all people.

                If that’s true, why does the KKK currently endorse Republicans?

          • @[email protected]
            110 months ago

            Well I read the article, and the guy has an interesting perspective but he doesn’t really mention any specific policy. It’s super funny to accuse leftists of commodifying anything.

            I feel like I Don’t really accept this argument, because it goes so counter to my own personal life expeeience.

            The political party of Jesse Jackson and Rev. Al Sharpton, the party of Barak Obama is the racist one? I know the Democrats had a bad past, but it’s not 1865 anymore. I’m not trying to be a smartass. The party of Jimmy Carter? Say what you want about him as president, we can all agree he wasn’t great, but racist? Not Jimmy Carter.

            There’s a lot of bad things to be said about the democrats, and there are a lot of policy decisions that could be criticized for their consequences, but racist doesn’t seem like a serious charge.

            • NeuromancerOPM
              010 months ago

              Racism is their most serious flaw. Yes the party of Jesse Jackson, Rev. Al Sharpton and Barak Obama is the racist one.

              Remember the comments Biden made about Obama? That is typical for Democrats.

              I do not think Jimmy Carter was racist. One of the few Democrats I can say that about. While he was an awful President, he was a good man. I wish we had more people like Jimmy Carter in the world.

  • PizzaMan
    410 months ago

    Not trying to split the convo into two, but

    It’s a racist party.

    If this is true, why do the majority of minorities vote democrat? It doesn’t make sense for ethnic minorities to vote for a party that wants to destroy their rights, so why would they vote democrat?

    • NeuromancerOPM
      -310 months ago

      Did you not read the article I posted that answered those questions ?

        • NeuromancerOPM
          -210 months ago

          Did you miss the article I posted? I’m not going to repeat myself because you don’t want to read.

          • PizzaMan
            310 months ago

            If you’re not going to answer my question, don’t expect to get answers in return.

            • NeuromancerOPM
              -210 months ago

              I answered it. Now going back to blocking you because I have little tolerance for trolls.

              • PizzaMan
                10 months ago

                You’re the one who can’t answer basic questions. If anyone is trolling it’s you.

                • @[email protected]
                  -410 months ago

                  And per usual, the mods are going to entirely ignore that you’re just badgering people because you refuse to have anything even remotely resembling an honest discussion

    • ThrowawayM
      -510 months ago

      Pizza, just read the article. It clearly answers your question.

      If you’re going somewhere with it, skip that part, or at least indicate that you’re going somewhere with it. This intentional ignorance is not helpful, pisses everyone else off, is honestly kinda weird, and it does not look like you’re commenting in good faith.

      • @[email protected]
        310 months ago

        Stop waving your fucking mod hammer around as a threat to “lefties”. You give cute little warnings to all the fart sniffing contrarian trolls in here but don’t actually do your job when it comes to being objective.

        Momo fails your mod rules on basically every fucking Reply Guy comment he leaves in this community and you don’t do jack shit about it.

        YOU do not comment in good faith. You don’t moderate in good faith.

        • ThrowawayM
          010 months ago

          Look, I’m trying my best here. Maybe I’m too lenient, but I’d rather be too lenient than too strict. I know that pisses everyone off when I don’t ban whoever they want, but I’m not that kind of mod.

          If I were to ban everyone who had someone else ask to ban them, I wouldn’t have a community here. Hell, there’s been calls to ban almost everyone, me, peepin, tsonfeir, pizza, momo, tjd, karo, everyone who has posted or commented a few times has had someone asking me to ban them. Hell, I’ve had a few who have asked me to ban themselves. That’s how the_q got banned, he literally asked me to ban him, so I did.

          Imo, it’s kinda weird how everyone is so obsessed with banning people, and how other communities and subreddits are so quick to hand out bans.

          • @[email protected]
            210 months ago

            You’re not doing your best. You are moderating with the same lens you post with. You cannot be an objective moderator doing that.

            It’s pretty easy. Respond to those who are pro conservatism the same way you’d respond to those who think differently. If you can’t do that, then don’t moderate.