Mine are raspberries. But I wanna hear about all kinds or routine and exotic berries (like the superberries from Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia pyramid scheme)

    210 months ago

    Fresh they’re muted yeah, cooking them seems to get the flavor to activate somehow

    • @cheese_greaterOP
      210 months ago

      Its kind of an unfair comparison on my end tho cuz to me, nothing competes on the same level as raspberries. Like, they are basically perfection to me to the extent I view myself as a human version of a raspberry. A little sweet, mostly tart, fibre up the wazoo ;)

      • JJROKCZ
        210 months ago

        More expensive and hard to find in my experience though. The only time I see raspberries it’s a half rotten carton of 12 for twice the price of other berries

        • @cheese_greaterOP
          210 months ago

          I just get good frozen. I would love to have or live near a patch and be able to pick barrels but too expensive otherwise. Also, I like to eat things in my timeframe

          • stephan
            210 months ago

            If you’ve got a garden, get some plants - they’re easy to care for